Saturday, June 16, 2012

Jdrama Festival (Because i can)

     Okay,so when i write about this chapter,my foolishness is just made me close the page Accidentally,and it pisses me off. So,I watch drama again,after my sensei told me that i should watch drama/anime often for my Japanese study,so as a good student *LOL*I do it,gladly.Some drama that i will write is my favorite dramas. 

 Byakuyakou (2006)

Not because Yamada Takayuki is sexy and cute in here *whoops!* but the storyline itself is a major element.This drama is recommended for you,who like love story,tragedies,blood,and believe there is no such things as happy ending *i believe in happy ending,but i watch it anyway* Kirihara Ryouji (Yamada Takayuki)killed his father when he found out that his father is a pedophile,who molested Nishimoto Yukiho (Ayase haruka).To his horror,Yukiho took the blame and framed her mother,who sold her to Ryouji's father and received a cruel act from the neighbourhood as the killer's daughter.Yukiho killed her mother and both of them separated after Yukiho was sent to the orphanage. 7 years later,Ryouji *who is became a hottie* always waiting at the station where he and Yukiho is separated.Things became twisted when Ryouji's childhood friend threaten him to exposed Yukiho and Ryouji's dad's photo to the police.Both of them finally met at the station *this is the part when i went 'aawwww' and have to cover my mouth so I'm not scream at Takayuki like a crazy monkey* and doing murder after murder to cover their crime until the statute of limitations end. This is the first time i saw Yamada Takayuki's chara is so....weak.Maybe because i watch him as Serizawa Tamao first,which he became a badass,hobo dude.


Aww moment in 3,2,1....

 Zettai Reido season 2 (2011)

I loved crime drama/movie.I watched Lie to Me,CSI,Hawaii Five-o and All series of Hannibal Lecter.Usually,i don't really into in Other crime drama than America made,but Zettai Reido is an exception.Well,it lack here and there,but it was good. Sakuragi Izumi (Ueto Aya) is a rookie detective who being transfered to the undercover investigation team under the command of a man with extensive knowledge and experience in the field Takigawa Shinjiro (Kiritani Kenta). And since Kiritani Kenta is there,it make Extra worth to watch the drama,He's a versatile actor *aside from that sexy look*.


Hmm,Dat Collarbone~

  W no Higeki (2012)


Cold-menacing Kurasawa Satsuki (Takei Emi) is a suspect for a murder case.She met Watsuji mako (Takei Emi) a heiress for a multi-billion company who look exactly as her.Offered by an reason to confirm her alibi,they changed live and the tragedies is started.The case is currently investigate by Yumisaka Keichiiro (Kiritani Kenta) who is a persisten detective who eventually fall in love with her.Meanwhile,Mako finally taste the freedom,Satsuki know the truth about her being Mako's twin sister but being abandoned because she's bring a bad luck to the family. FInally,Satsuki plan a revenge for 20 years of her hardships and take over the company for herself. Take Emi is brilliant! Not many actress who can pull of twins act like that.Her voice,her body languange,and her looks is different everytime she's changed.And that sizzling chemistry between Kiritani Kenta?It was Great.Sadly,it is. *Now you know I'm worship Kiritani Kenta*

 OMG....part of me want to stop them.

 Okay,That's it..will watch Byakuyakou drama again.Off for now~

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A drama that shake my world (and distract me from my final exam)

MARS (Not the planet one)
Thank God for the subtitle.I used to watch this drama back in 2005,that means 7 years from now,when I'm in first year of middle school.
What makes this drama one of my "must-watch-everyday" list is because the storyline that twisted,beautiful and mentally cool.
You see,there's not many dramas out there that tackle the problem of rape,disorted personalities,and tragedies as much as this drama over here.Even though the background story is kinda sad,you will see how love will solve this two lovebird's *Lolwut* tragedies.
For a taiwanese drama,i Salute this one.
and the songs just fit the atmosphere.I always cried when the song "Wo ke Yi" is coming up (usually coming up with Ling's past),it's so beautiful I'm gonna have my "awwww"-ing moment.

Ninkyo Helper

This is one of badass drama that japanese ever made (alongside Bloody Monday). The problem itself is a really good observation about Japan's social problem.I could made this drama as my reference to my thesis. *die*

N.B :MARS(not the planet one)'s songs is really hard to find,i almost got a hernia just to find the beautiful track that i mention above,thank God for Google. (and my internet so as 4shared)

N.B.B :I should study for final exam,but then again...i wanna watch dramas.For the love of God,there's so much distraction~~~

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Dear Someone

Dear player out there (whether it's boy or girl)

Don't you ever thinking for a while,before playing with people's feeling?
When you were laughed because you already won a game,and prove that you're a some kind of whiz in front of your popular gang,there's someone,someone that secretly crying.
Not because you broke up with them,but because they're blaming themself for a mistake that they didn't do.

The fact that in the future,maybe,just maybe,they will hate themself,couldn't love anyone else because some little game that you played?
You even didn't regret it,don't you?

When someone love you,try to fit themself with your taste,just because they don't want you to leave them?

Have you ever thinking,that maybe someday,that karma will come upon you?
Never mind Karma,you laughed now,are you?you didn't give a shit or two about it anyway.

You are so popular that you think it will last forever.

While someone secretly wipe their tears,you were laughing and made fun of them.

and then she can't love anymore....she's always blame herself,even though she already moved on.

You never know.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Dream Boys,Boys,Boys.

Anime Version

Sebastian Michaelis

Asian Version

Haruma Miura

Daito Shunsuke

Western Version

Jamie Campbell Bower

Jared Leto

Tom Felton

Asian (musician) Version

Aoi 'the GazettE'

Saga 'Alice Nine'

Byou 'ScReW'

Yamamura Ryuta

Game Version


Real-Life Version


Happy Fucking Sunday,Everyone.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Hari ini,tepat hari rabu tanggal 23 November 2011,sensei paling favoritku pulang ke Jepang.

Namanya Kosugi Miyuki,sensei ngajar Kaiwa (percakapan) dan Kanji di kelasku,dari kami angkatan 2010,Kosugi sensei selalu bersama kami..kami semua udah liat gimana kosugi sensei ketawa dengerin kaiwa kami,marah karena kelas kami paling berisik,dan bantuin kami kalau ada kesulitan belajar bahasa jepang dengan sungguh-sungguh dan sepenuh hati.

Aku sama sekali gak bisa bahasa jepang waktu pertama kali masuk kampus,dan keputusanku buat banting setir dari sasta inggris ke sastra jepang,yang bahasanya sama sekali ga aku kuasai bener-bener nekat dan cari mati,bayangin dong,aku belom hapal hurup hiragana dan katakana sekalipun.

Waktu itu mata kuliah kaiwa pertama kali,aku ngeliat kosugi sensei cantik banget,dan dia bener-bener maklumin aku yang belom bisa bahasa jepang sama sekali.berkali-kali aku mikir,bener ga sih pilihanku masuk sastra jepang.

Jujur,putus asa banget waktu itu.Aku salah satu murid yang istilahnya paling bodoh di kelas.Setiap hari nangis,sampai akhirnya kosugi-sensei pernah bilang.
"Melakukan apapun itu harus dengan kesungguhan hati,kalau kamu udah memutuskan akan melakukan itu,maka jalanilah."

AKu berhenti nangis,dan belajar mati-matian buat ngapalin hurup sampai gak tidur 4 hari.

Semester 2 kami masih belajar sama dia,angkatan 2010 itu ga pernah pisah dari Kosugi-sensei.Aku masih inget,waktu Kosugi sensei ketawa ngakak denger Kaiwaku dan temen-temen yang mau belajar ke India,terus dia nanya ngapain mau ke India,aku jawab dengan polos nari perut,sensei.
Apalagi waktu tsunami di Jepang,sensei sengaja gak pulang karena mau ngedampingin kami anak-anak 2010 buat Oshaberi sama Nihonjin asli,padahal keluarganya sensei di Miyagi,daerah yang termasuk kena dampak Tsunami paling parah,tapi Sensei gak lantas pulang walaupun didesak sama sensei-sensei lainnya.

Akhirnya,semester 3 kami dapat berita yang sangat mengejutkan dari Sensei,katanya dia harus pulang ke Jepang karena Suaminya di mutasi dari Indonesia.Shock dan sedih keluar dari mulut kami,tapi kata sensei,walaupun gak ada dia,kami harus rajin belajar bahasa jepang.

Waktu pesta perpisahan,Kosugi sensei bilang kalau alasannya mau jadi dosen karena dia mau membantu orang-orang yang kesusahan,setelah liat Tsunami di aceh tahun 2006 lalu,aku tambah kagum sama sensei.

Sensei sebenernya pengen nangis waktu pesta perpisahan,tapi katanya gak adil kalau kita ngeliat sensei sedih di perjumpaan terakhir.Aku juga hampir mau nangis,tapi gak jadi karena aku pengen Kosugi sensei ngeliat wajah kami yang tersenyum sehingga dia bakal ingat wajah tersenyum kita.

Sebenarnya kalo sensei gak pergi kami gak akan termotivasi gini,aku kagum sama sensei walaupun udah pulang ke Jepang,katanya dia bakal mengusahakan persahabatan Indonesia-jepang tetap utuh.

ありがとう,小杉先生 !!
Kami pasti bakal nyusul sensei ke Jepang.



Bon'z - ありがとう
Lagu yang kami nyanyikan waktu pesta perpisahan Sensei.

:puppyeyes:Kirei desyoo~

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Koizora And The Effect On Me

Already watched Koizora,alongside with Bloody Monday yesterday.Why Miura,why?!
Yeah,my friend recommended it,although i really didn't like much of that puffy love,oh well.

For me,it was good,but not very great.Maybe because the movie was just went by very fast,it makes the whole film look like not real.*lifting eyebrows*
But the actors was good,i enjoyed the one who play Maki and Hiro (Of course!!).So,it's really enjoyable.

Haruma Miura as Killua Zaol-I mean Hiro at Koizora.

Well,good hair,but it makes my forehead wrinkle,he's good with beannie hat though.*Hug*
Umm,the ending...i kinda satissfied with it.Thank God that Maki didn't turn her face to Yuu again,so i don't have to yell "You bitch,you betrayed Hiro!How can you do that~"in front of laptop's monitor.*LOL*

Overall,it was Good to watch.

and i just wondering while watching this movie,this is what High schoolers do?!Wow~

N.B:I got up from my slumber just to wrote a post about this movie and Haruma miura (Especially him) WHat a dedicated fan I am. *laugh*

Silent Hill Woot!!

Silent Hill Downpour will be release at October 2011...For PlayStation 3!!

Oh Well,i know it will happen anyway...most of the game that will release either in PlayStation 3 or XBox 360.. *rolling my eyes while sighing*
I know,Irooonnyy~~

I just wanna said that actually,but! I think that the game will be very awesome..the environment will be more realistic and the other world is promising *cheer*.

Oh and by the way,i watched Bloody Monday yesterday...I said it's cool,but i prefer the comic because the live action lack of hacking explanation.
And yes,the main Hero is a Hacker *bitter laugh*

Miura Haruma played the main role. *drooling*

Okay,be back in...i don't know..keep count!
*get throw*