Thursday, April 15, 2010

Reaching You

"trying to get my hand on you,but can't"

Spare Time


so,this day is my first day of vacation,after spending most of my morning sleeping.
my day so far..not to good.
but,i hope yours will be good.

anyway,i see a clear blue sky in this noon,and i really want to take a good picture of it.

so here some photos i took,maybe i will take more this evening.

" i just wanna fly when i look this pic"

Cheers mate.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Last day of school make me sad..


it's already last day of school..and i've finished my practise exam today..i've been through it really good i think,well let's hope for the best.

you know any last day make me kinda last day of festival,last day of vacation and last day of a date (not last day of exam,which is really fun!).
same with me,i too,sad because it will be last day of school.

i just feel like i've new to the school and now here i am,waiting for graduation.
so many memories,love and knowledge i got from many people say," high school is the best"

they're true.

oh,i will miss my class,and my friends,and the teacher,and him.

outta here,fella!

Fix me

"Fix me"

"Only you can do it"

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


the photograph was taken by Anisa Maulidia..she's so awesome

Soundtrack in my life

hello,dee here

i've been thinking a lot lately (which is rarely happen)..what if we life without music?
a lame life we'll got here,buddy.i'm sure of that

everyone had their soundtrack of their life..
they always play it whenever they encounter some situation..

but,me..puh!music is my i can't life without it

i played it over in my head again and again (you say don't have your own music-player-through-your-head?it's already in the stores guys!)

so,i want to share with you all about it..a few of my playlist..not the songs,but the musician..





"Maksim Mrvica" (you should try leeloo's theme!)

that's not everything..if i put my list,i will be creating an album.. :)


just a "D"

i'm just a "D" in the sand
that quickly being washed away by water..

don't erase me..


i see a rainbow this afternoon
seven colors..the masterpiece of the almighty
i walk in the street,amaze by it
in the clear blue sky
with a puffy white cloud around it

i sent this rainbow to you
so you can see it too
under the same sky we live..

Monday, April 12, 2010


i'm too afraid to say things to you
too afraid you'll be reject me
too afraid can't hear you laugh at me again
too afraid to know the truth

i'm too scared time has passes
and we can't go back to where we belong..
i'm too shy to let you know
because i'm not the bestest girl

i'm too scare to tell you the truth
scare that you're friend will be mocking you
i'm too scared to act more than this
because it will ruining my self defense
and i'm not used to be like that

but,i'm not afraid
and i'm not scare
when i pray for you
when i know you're not the man that care about such things
when i know about how kind you are
even if it's not from your mouth


i get insomnia lately..i don't know why
i tried to get busy on many things,but it didn't work out,so yes,i've been spending time in front of my laptop much.
if this keep continue to happen,maybe my glasses will be more thick..

i don't want that..

anyway,my day went well so far,i fed sebastian(he like the tuna fishkas..he really classy aren't him?),and i got cuts by him.well,i guess he just want to play.

about school,i'm on practise exam,yesterdat was english conversesion,and tommorow i got physical education wait.
well,better prepare my energy to do that.

i wish i can get closer and closer with yesterday,and the day before,and the day before yesterday.. :P

and..i wish we're GRADUATE..!!

oh,i really want this..

dinar out..!


inspirations came from anywhere,anytime,anyone..
it stimulate us to do something..
it creating us to be a human..whethet the effect is..
so,here is my inspirations..
L'arc~en~ciel is a band from japan..they created in 1991 and still exist until now..
the personil is hyde in vocal,tetsu in bass,ken in guitar and yukihiro in drums

and they so damn awesome!!
i mean,how many bands that's really can make their listeners feels the emotion thet created..
many,i know..but this is one of it..
their skill was high heaven and full of action!!

yes,they're so f*cking awesome!!

(outta here fast,fella!)

Sebastian michaelis

yes,his name was sebastian..!!

my new persian cat!!
he was so cute and at the same time so..mean.
really,i got many cuts in my hand because of him.
you know,he just step down from 4 stairs..
can you imagine that! 4 STAIRS...!!
he must have a super power..

so,here it is sebastian michaelis..!

he's palying yahoo messenger for heaven's sake!!

he's so awesome!!

dinar out..

Your Presence

Sky was colored a puddle after the rain
street was was the place when antagonist came
wind was no longer calming me..
melody of the sky..was making me chill

i smiled a little..thinking about your presence
and then suddenly,sky turning blue like the sea
street is full with colors and children bring a ballon
wind soothing my souls,making me fly
your presence making me want to smile forever..
like when you smile,sun was shining so bright

lilies and roses was dancing
i want to always relive my memory about you..

as long as you here..
I'm still alright..

A new Concept

people have a concept in their life..
whether it fot their fortune,love,or career
or people sometimes call it,plan..

but,someone saying that.."life is what happen whe we're busy making plans"

yeah,it's true