Thursday, September 16, 2010


Eh..something really bug me rite now...but i don't sure either..
i's not my bussines..nor it's my priority.
but you know..heart will never lie.

Finding love is hard...
Keeping it is more Harder...
so,people that find it and sucessfully keep it..
they must be very lucky..

in this wild wild world,there still so many people who love each other..
but not me,not for me..
love is never available for me huh?:sigh:'s on everyone side..but not me.

Ah,what the hell i was trying to say exactly..??
i'm confusing myself:anongnangyari:

Such a fool...

Playlist :Hoshi no nai yoruni-Deluhi
Play dead-Bjork
Elizabeth in bathroom floor-Eels
Cassis,Calm envy-The GazettE

Saya sedang galaunangih

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