Sunday, October 24, 2010

Ameba oh Ameba

Kepikiran untuk buat Ameba...
Tapi aku males ngurusin site lebih dari satu,takutnya malah ke-abandon lagi..



Dan yang lebih bikin aku bingung......

Aku ga ngerti bahasa jepangnya!!!

Ada beberapa yg aku ngerti..dan ada beberapa (kebanyakan) yang ga ngerti..

Mahasiswi sastra jepang macam apa saya??!!

P.S :Ada yang tahu siapa urutan pertama MotoGP tadi??Lorenzo ya? nonton saya.

Now Playing..


Anyone know where i can find the lyrics??
I fuckin' love this song...Oh my Byouu~

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ah,such a sweet victory..

Don't be so cocky,man.I already beated you...4 TIMES!


IN your face!!!!

Actually,this saturday i played all of my old Games,start from Tomba 2 :The evil swine return,Final Fantasy 9,and.....
I want to play Silent hill..but i'm too scared to play alone!!:takot:
So,i decided to play Final fantasy 6 at Gameboy Advance.
And then i realize.....i forgot where i should go!!


P.S :I want to play Devil may Cry again!! Dante my first love!!!:inlove:

I like him in young and cocky!
such a bad boy!! *faint*

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Doooh !!

Ya Allah....
sumpah,hamba pengen banget 3.675 yen buat beli album ScReW..

Abis liat blognya byou di Ameba,and i'm successfully depressed seing the album tracklist in his blog,along with the price that realllllyyy expensive...
Okay,Okay..i give up.I will Download it..i give up man!!!!!
And i can't see ScReWTV at MJP,next week!!
Great,can this get any better?!!

God,i want to cry...i really want to cry....

鋲.. i really want to see you..and i can't...i can't support you...i failed as your fan.I'm sorry.

P.S :Kanji Test is tomorrow.............

Colorful is not my style

So,after got home from University,i modify my blog.
My friend said that my Blog is too gloomy and dark.Well,i tried to fix some things.

And i come to one conclusion after modify my blog (Which is a total fail,LMAO)...

Being colorful didn't suit my style.It's just strange see the background from my blog being so bright and fill with Dolls or colorful things like rainbow.

And i don't suit girly things,what am i??

Now,Now...who cares about that anyway?
Dark is my style! yeah~

(Kanji Quiz start tommorrow,i practice with my senpai,got 8 answer right from 10..I don't really stupid in Kanji,nee )

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sebastian acting up again..(and i was like "LMAO")

I think he's a little piss of when i took this pic,because after that,he bites me.

P.S :I just realized that i have Kanji assignment..and i forget to do it. Shit

And this friday i get a Kanji test.Double shit.

If i turn into a Vampire,i want this man become the one who bite me ..

And i will be the most coolest vampire ever..go away Edward cullen,you don't have fangs and can't be compare to this man.

Asian Vampire rules,no stupid charm paper in their forehead again.


D,I actually really have a dream to become vampire

Goddamn,i love this band very much!!

1.The GazettE
This is the first band that made me fall in love with japanese visual kei music.Man,they're rocks! the first song i heard is 'Filth in the beauty'.And i fall in love with them instantly! I love Ruki's voice and his scream!
one of my biggest inspiration.That's why i hate when people's insult them.Seriously.
L-R :Aoi (G),Reita (B),Ruki(Voc),Uruha(G),Kai(Dr)

Somesay,this band is actually the GazettE's wannabe,despite those two bands in the same management.
I say,it's a total bullshit!
Come on,ScReW is ScReW and The GazettE is The GazettE,stop comparing them. Okay,i agree Byou and ruki alike,but that's all.Their music totally different,ScReW have their own music,so as The GazettE.
Their music is great
Yuuto actually the ex bassist now,he's been replace by Rui.But i love the 'raging blood'outfit,which is in the pic.So,i will post the new bassist here :

His name is Rui.Many people still want to yuuto back,but you know.He already made his desicion,and for my opinion Rui save the band,i don't want them to disband,i still want to see the performance of ScReW
L-R :Manabu (G),Yuuto*replace by Rui* (B),Byou (Voc),Jin (Dru),Kazuki(G)

Man,this band is the first japanese band that i know! i know all about japan music,is started from this band.They're the revolution from my music taste!!! all hail laruku!!
And tetsu's bassline! My god,i just realized that know i pay a lot of attention in Bass,because of tetsu!
But,unfortunetly,they're in hiatus.BUt good news is,they will held a concert at new year!!
Bad news is,only fanclubs will attend,goddamn.
Up:Hyde (Voc),Ken (Gui)
Down :Tetsu (B),Yukihiro (Dru)

Or also known as Versailles~Philarmonic Quintet~ in USA.I new to this band,so i don't know much about them.As far as i listen to their songs,it's awesome!
Just like japanese..Dragonforce (But DF mucccchhh better,hail Herman Lee!
The Ex bassist is Jasmine you,He passed out suddenly,leaving a deep sadness in their fans's heart.They Hiatus after they finish 'Serenade' PV,which is actually a goodbye song for Jasmine.

Jasmine is the one at left.The new bassist is Masashi,some people say he is an apprentice of Jasmine,but i don't know if it true or not.
L-R :Teru (G),Masashi (B),Kamijo(Voc),Yuki(dru),Hizaki(G)

5.Alice Nine
Actually,i didn't very into to this band,but i like their songskenyit
The songs that i really like from them is Senkou,Ruri no ame,Tsubasa and Kowloon.
L-R :Saga (B) *red*,Hiroto (G),Shou(Voc),Tora(G),Nao(dru)

Ahh..this band rocks!! but they're on hiatus,shit.But,i believe they will come back soon.
L-R :Aggy (B),Juri(Voc),Leda(G),Sujk(Dru)

That's it! i'm tired typing,and maybe next time i will post another one~

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I'm sorryyyy

Sumpah,aku mau nangis liat harga Album ScReW yang baru...
Jadi ceritanya,tanpa sengaja,aku cek di OHP mereka,soalnya katanya tracklist mereka udah di publish..and i see the price.
It's...3.675 Yen!! which means 367.500 in rupiahs!!
Goddamn it!! mau beli duit darimana segitu..

So,once more すみません.. I have to download your albums again..::(
Believe me,it made me sad too..but i don't have any other choices...sorry.

P.S :SCREWTV Vol.2 tanggal 29 oktober....aku ga bisa nonton!!!!
karena ada acara SLET di kampus..huwaa..byou,i'm sorry once moreeeeee..... *kabur ke rumah Aoi*

D,yang sedang bingung apakah besok akan kuliah apa ga,soalnya mau ada demo besar-besaran di depan DPR..which means..macet.
great..Goddamn it,man.