Wednesday, October 6, 2010

College life

Yeah,is started to get used to college life now.peace
Especially the part when i have to get up early,to take a long cold bath and prepare my books.
You know,I'm don't like to get up first thing in the morning,it make me headache and ruin my mood.:inis:

But,you know...i have the dream that i want to be,no matter how cold the water are,or how fucking annoying it is to get up early..
i don't care as long as i can made my parents proud of me and catch my dreams with my own arms!
Don't care if you say my dreams are foolish.

There's no dreams that too fool or too ridiculous...


By the way..i take Japanese literature.And guess whaaat..i got a native speaker from japan! aye!
Her name is Kosugi Miyuki-sensei,an she just got married..Omodetto~~~celebrate

This is her pic with us.アルアズハル大学の日本文学
(sorry for the bad languange,i use google):anoto:

Gotta go now,wanna meet with a friend at my high schoolll~~~

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