Saturday, October 16, 2010

This is the best night (and i'm being so fucking ironic)

Yeah,title say it all! this is far the best night i ever had...:anoto:
I went with my bro and his GF to hangout,and god know that i hate crowd.So,instead go to a crowded place,full of people that made me dizzy,i go tp Mcd and ate (yeah,i'm ATE:inis:)
But...Come on,dude!! even MCd is very crowded there!! i mean,there's a hundred (i think) of Mcd in this town,should all of you go to the MCd where i go?!
of course,it's you own choice..but still...

And there's a annoying noisy kiddo that really gettin' on my nerves..She kept screaming like a llamas that soon going to be chop,wanting a toy.Her mom is already say ok,but she just kept scream!!what the hell?!
and she screaming in english!! come on...i hope she's not start to swearing just like me!:please:

Yeah,so..this is such a great night...
which is actually...not a very good one.

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