Thursday, December 9, 2010

Heima,Iceland and another dream

Just finished watch Heima..a film by Sigur ros,one of my favorite band

The movie is basically Sigur ros tour from all around the world and ended in Iceland,their home,or Heima.
Heima means home in Iceland,i like the part when all the fans gather in a large meadow,and their playing hoppipola.Wow,such a great song.

God,Iceland is so's so calm and peaceful.
I started to think that after i had enough in japan (which is my number one in my list "place to live in") i will go to iceland!!
I will live there,and if i have a chance,i will watch their concert in meadow,with a cup of hot chocolate and my loved ones.

See the reason i want to go to Iceland?

bíða eftir mér,Iceland!!!

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