Saturday, May 21, 2011

Let Silent Hill's darkness embrace you completely

Welcome,the moment you read this post,you already entering Silent Hill.

Nah,just kidding...don't get scared will ya.

Anyway!Why Silent hill?I don't know.Maybe because i feel over heels with this game.Although i too scared to play all series (and i don't have any console,again!)I only got through Silent Hill 1,i played it on Emulator.My Playstation 2 is broken,so i don't get a chance to play the 2nd and 3rd series.

Let's get on!

Silent Hill 1

It's the first Silent Hill game,played in Playstation.The Graphic is..well,it bring tears to my eyes when i played it.
But hell,i really fucking scared when i played it.Goddamn,the horror and the atmospher of the game is made me want to throw my controller away and just ran away.
And the story,whooo,original always hands down!(Poor Alessa,Dahlia is such a bitch,who's with me?!)The monsters is really good!
Actually the first time i played it,i kinda have nervous breakdown,the image of Silent Hill is always in my head,made me scared all the time.
But later,i became so addicted with it.
It happen when my playstation is broken and i decide to watch the cutscenes of...

Silent Hill 2

Man,this game really mess up.The storyline,the ending,Team silent is Genius!!
This game made me think for the first time that mind is really a strong thing yet fragile.Seeing how James actually forgot that she killed Mary,and Mary's letter in 'Leave' ending made me cry.
And pyramid head made a debut here!! Yeaaayy!!
And then i just know that Silent Hill 1 have the sequel in it.It's called...

Silent Hill 3

The first female protagonist is appear,Heather (Alessa Reincarnation) is become the heroine here.
See,SH 3 is in playstation 3,so the graphic is much much better,the surrounding of the game is really gory and rusty.
After i saw it couple times,i love it.
In this game,we also learn that Antagonist is not always be bad.Claudia is always being abused by her father,so she seek 'eternal paradise' where happiness is just an inch away,but she got the wrong way (typical)
Silent Hill 4
Some peoples say that it was an epic fail.No Silent Hill in this game,SH only taking a tiny part on this game.
I say mediocre.

Silent Hill : Homecoming

Not to scary,but the storyline screams Silent Hill!!
I love it,Love it,Love it.

Silent Hill :Origins

origin of Silent Hill (duh) Digging more into people's mind.

Hemm..i really want to write the long review but then suddenly the mood is disappear.
Anyway,if you want to know much about it,I'll give you Portal to the darkness

And Silent Hill soundtrack! Man,it's so well composed and beautiful!

One thing that i like from this game,most of the game have a Psychology side.The game scare you not with a gory monster,cursing or anything like that (Hello,Siren!)but the monsters actually came from the interpretion of your own mind,the monsters took a shape from your own fear,that's awesome!

And i've been asked by my friend who like SH too,she say do i want to enter Silent Hill World?

i answered : HELL NO!!!!
Unless i'm some kind of magician who have every supernatural strength in this world and equipped by complete guns and armor and a company,i will NOT entering Silent Hill world.

Yeah,coward me.

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