Monday, April 12, 2010


i get insomnia lately..i don't know why
i tried to get busy on many things,but it didn't work out,so yes,i've been spending time in front of my laptop much.
if this keep continue to happen,maybe my glasses will be more thick..

i don't want that..

anyway,my day went well so far,i fed sebastian(he like the tuna fishkas..he really classy aren't him?),and i got cuts by him.well,i guess he just want to play.

about school,i'm on practise exam,yesterdat was english conversesion,and tommorow i got physical education wait.
well,better prepare my energy to do that.

i wish i can get closer and closer with yesterday,and the day before,and the day before yesterday.. :P

and..i wish we're GRADUATE..!!

oh,i really want this..

dinar out..!

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