Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What to do in (very) spare time?

Current songs :Deluhi-Departure,the farthest
Alice nine-Kowloon
Current mood Happy,i think,a little sleepy:yawn:


i start to write again here,yeah.It's been a long time since i write in this blog.I'm not abandoning it,really.Just trying to focusing my life here and there.

So,i got much spare time..and here i am..sitting in my dearest laptop,writing.menari

Hmm..didn't sure what to wirte,because you know...i'm not in vacation or somethin' like that.
I spent my time mostly at my room,in front of my laptop.adus

Oh yeah,Deluhi's new single is coming! i Listening to it,and it was fucking awesome.

It's not really hard as revolver blast,but it's cool.After the farthest,who seems to be their first mellow song (not to mellow of course),this song rocks!

Can't wait for the PV.Juri got a blonde hari,and Leda had a black hair!!gatai

Ah,yeah..i like Juri.He's so hot in the farthest.But i love aoi and byou,i mean....who cares who i love anyway?!merajuk

Oh,my college life..well,i have an entrance exam in Al-Azhar university in 14,i really want to school there..i took a japanese literature by the way.

Wish me luck,minna~~~~

Eh,i really don't know what to write again..it's been a long time since i go outside.Now,i don't really like it..ngantuk
My brother and my cousins go to kota tua this evening..i still sleppy (and too lazy) to join them.
Heard they will had Ragusa ice cream..
I don't know whether i should happy or jealous..
Happy,because ragusa is reallllyyy expensive.
or jealous,maybe i get paid later..

doesn't matter anyway:gatau:

Ah,Departure is really cool,i can't stop listening to it,kinda remind me a little of DragonForce..

Okay,gotta go!



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