Sunday, January 23, 2011

Everybody's changing

"Everybody's Changing" By-Keane

You say you wander your own land
But when I think about it
I don't see how you can
You're aching, you're breaking
And I can see the pain in your eyes
Says everybody's changing
And I don't know why

So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing
And I don't feel the same

You're gone from here
And soon you will disappear
Fading into beautiful light
Cause everybody's changing
And I don't feel right

So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing
And I don't feel the same

So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing
And I don't feel the same

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Can't say Goodbye

I never can't to say goodbye.
Not to friendship
not to love

It's so amazing sometimes i miss someone from the past and suddenly..Voila!
i hope that i can meet him again.

It's irritating..

especially,i really can't never say goodbye to someone that i love deeply,someone i willing to do anything,someone that made me hope so much,someone who gave every little feeling to me.

Someone that i know never ever become mine..

Someone from my Highschool,my friend,my 3 years longlove.

He even doesn't care about me.


it’s me again..

it’s already 1 in the morning,and im so sleepy cause i’ve took a medicine before..but i don’t wanna sleep yet

today,i feel so you don’t have any grip onto this life,or you just have a bad you’re fallin from your bike,or you got a bad score at school

well,it’s holiday,so i don’t get any bad score..

i feel so abandoned,because this past 2 days,well..just say i didn’t get my “medicine”

no,i don’t use drugs

you know,girl’s matter..


oh yeah,it is..

maybe you think it was ridiculous,i mean,ruining all your happy weekend just by a thing called love??

yeah,you-who have a healthy mind-will think like that

but no for me..

okay,what i’m bubbling about anyway??!


Can you accept what i done?
can you forgive what i do?
DO you still angry,still stubborn,still fear?
I'm sorry...i'm so sorry.

The man in the white coat stare at me,he is holding papers and a glass of coffee.There's a toys in the table and a card with a words.


"I want you to take a card,Julia."He said.I follow his instruction,i take one card and gave it to him.He stare at my card and put it in the table again.
"Guilty."He said,"What you feel guilty about,Julia?Will you share the story to us?"
I stare at him,"No."
The man-Dr.Kidman-is smiling,i think he always accept rejection from his patient.
"Julia,i think if you tell me a story you will feel relieve,don't you think?"
i keep silent.
"Julia,what did you do?"
i stare at his grey foggy eyes,"Doctor,I kill my own fiancee."


That was prologue for my so-called upcoming fanfiction!!i will finish it,after i finish my Final exam and all my college paper and task.

WHat do you think?

I get the idea from Silent Hill:Shattered memories,it's always the trick mind,i think i will do that too.

about the title,i got it from the SH soundtrack
You have to listen~ it's so beautiful
I love Mary Elizabeth MCGlynn

Mary Elizabeth MCGlynn-Acceptance

Monday, January 17, 2011

What's the thing about Facebook.

You see,i like facebook,really.It's a media where i can met my old friend again,like my elementary school's friends,or my childhood buddies.
But you know what,for now that's not what i like anymore.I like facebook and still connect with it because honestly,it always fun seeing people fight in facebook.
i Know it sounds cruel and irritating,but hey,seeing people fight over a small things sometimes really made my day.
I often see people fight about something that actually,doesn't need to be fight over it,small things that can be solve by talking maybe.
But,with facebook around they make it big,the simple things.Funny isn't it?

another things is,i like seeing Alays in facebook,their long-and-hard-to-read nicknames made me laugh at them,unfortunetly some of my friends like that.But,doesn't matter,doesn't matter..they make me laugh anyway.

I spent my time in front of laptop and surfing at the internet for quite a lot time' just make me addict,and i confess myself that the first site i open is always facebook.
But,i actually open it to..yeah,to search some fighting in people's status,or an anti group,even that i don't know about the what they talking about.
Like when there's a grup called 'anti super junior'.I don't know a shit or two about Suju anyway,but it always been fun to see the anti and fans fighting each other..seeing them swearing in such dirty mouth.

And there is faker..people who doubled their personality and looking for attention,people who lied to other people and made his/her look internet world.Yeah,i know Life sucks,man.
They say :faker,go to hell!
i say :Faker,don't care the shit out of them.
you lied,i lied that's it.As long as you don't bring sensitive topic or else,you can eat your own crappy words,mate.
and you know,it always been funny to see faker lies,because i know it was impossible while they convince themself that they have such a life.

entertaining isn't it?

So that's confession.

Anyway,it doesn't offend peoples,it's my opinion anyway,you can have your ow opinion.


Let's rock with..Keroro Gunso!!!

Meet Keroro!he is you daily doses of laughter!
Keroro here is your best comrades if you want to destroy humanity and take over the world,no pekopon can't stand against this mighty funny-looking-green so-called Frog!
Of course,he can talk,and guess what he had a good sense of humor,what a rare one!
do you often see a villain with a good humor?Yes my friend,i believe you will say NO.

Keroro,you're such an inspiration for me~

Fangirling at night


*efek stress pra UAS*


Yak,dalam rangka menyambut datangnya UAS minggu depan,marilah kita berparade ikemeeenn!!!

Note : penulis masih mengalami demam bishie!!

Efek nonton Hana kimi,Gokusen sama Atashinchi no danshinya masih kerasa oi!
Saya jadi tergila-gila sama ikemen gini~
ga papalah,ikemen juga manusia (dan cowok)

Nah,nah..daripada mendengarkan saya meracau ga jelas,dan daripada menjamah buku kanji yang menggoda iman,jiwa,raga dan batin
mending kita liat yang ini~~

Ikemen paradaisu..saiko!!!
*apaa sih?*

Oguri Shun *penulis nosebleed seember*

Ikuta Toma

Mizushima Hiro

Matsuyama Kenichi

Akanishi Jin

Matsumoto Jun

Kiyoharu Morii (walopun usia 40 tahun,muka masih 26-an tahun,ikemen!!)

Kaname Jun

Well,how's that??
*penulis ngacir mau nangkepin ikemen satu-satu*
Tunggu eke,minna saaaannn!!!!!

N.B :Besok ada make up class Kanji,masuk ga ya?badan udah ga enak,dari kemaren kepala pusing terus~

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Can't get Enough

I can't get enough to this girl!!

i her!
her voice,her unique style..everything!!

i dying to see her live even it's just once..

N.B: Thanks to someone that made a machinima for the sims 3 that used Sia song,i knew her.


Monday, January 10, 2011

The attack of the bishounens!

Ya,ya..seperti judulnya,saya mau posting beberapa ikemen yang sudah membuat saya demam bishie dan suka senyam-senyum sendiri~

So,here goes..

1.Oguri Shun

Total love :ros ros ros ros ros
Basically,dia adalah Bishie favorite saya! i'm so into him right now!I really like him when he play as Sano Izumi in Hana kimi,and Takakura Sou in Tokyo DOGS.And after watching Gokusen,i just discover that he really look cool in blonde hair and bad ass attitude.Way to go!!

2.Mizushima Hiro

Total love :ros ros ros ros
Sayangnya dia sudah menikah sodara-sodara!dan lebih sayangnya lagi,dia udah ga maen film,melainkan nulis novel~
http://www.emocutez.comI like his funny and comical acting like in Tokyo DOGS.That's such a pity nee,i can't see him acting again.

3.Matsuyama Kenichi

Total Love :ros ros ros ros ros
Yah,posisi dia sudah tergantikan oleh Oguri shun,soalnya udah lama ga nonton filmnya dia sih.Tapi tetep Matsuken wa saiko!!

4.Fujiwara Tatsuya

Total Love :ros ros ros
I already fall in love with him when he play "Kiss from Heaven".He's so kawaii nee~
but his acting is a top notch too~

5.Ikuta Toma

Total Love :ros ros ros
The man that play the cheerful Nakatsu in Hana kimi!You know,his acting is really epic~
i love the comical scene he played in hana kimi.

6.Shirota Yuu

Total Love :ros ros ros ros ros
I swear i don't know that he is japanese.I thought for the first time,he's foreigner,but then i google it,and i found that his mother is spain.He also play in the prince of tenis the movie.

7.Nishikido Ryo

Total Love :ros ros ros ros
Ahh,Asou from one litre of tears~
I impressed with his act as Asou in one litre of tears,cool,cold but actually kind.

8.Akanishi Jin

Hoo,can't help fallin' for him after watching Gokusen 2!! it's nature that i like bad boy,and this man is fit perfectly as Yabuki Hayato! the first time he appeared i don't really like him,but after a few episodes i

I guess that is then~
i will watch some more dorama,and i will update this post again~

*chasing all the ikemen*