Monday, January 17, 2011

What's the thing about Facebook.

You see,i like facebook,really.It's a media where i can met my old friend again,like my elementary school's friends,or my childhood buddies.
But you know what,for now that's not what i like anymore.I like facebook and still connect with it because honestly,it always fun seeing people fight in facebook.
i Know it sounds cruel and irritating,but hey,seeing people fight over a small things sometimes really made my day.
I often see people fight about something that actually,doesn't need to be fight over it,small things that can be solve by talking maybe.
But,with facebook around they make it big,the simple things.Funny isn't it?

another things is,i like seeing Alays in facebook,their long-and-hard-to-read nicknames made me laugh at them,unfortunetly some of my friends like that.But,doesn't matter,doesn't matter..they make me laugh anyway.

I spent my time in front of laptop and surfing at the internet for quite a lot time' just make me addict,and i confess myself that the first site i open is always facebook.
But,i actually open it to..yeah,to search some fighting in people's status,or an anti group,even that i don't know about the what they talking about.
Like when there's a grup called 'anti super junior'.I don't know a shit or two about Suju anyway,but it always been fun to see the anti and fans fighting each other..seeing them swearing in such dirty mouth.

And there is faker..people who doubled their personality and looking for attention,people who lied to other people and made his/her look internet world.Yeah,i know Life sucks,man.
They say :faker,go to hell!
i say :Faker,don't care the shit out of them.
you lied,i lied that's it.As long as you don't bring sensitive topic or else,you can eat your own crappy words,mate.
and you know,it always been funny to see faker lies,because i know it was impossible while they convince themself that they have such a life.

entertaining isn't it?

So that's confession.

Anyway,it doesn't offend peoples,it's my opinion anyway,you can have your ow opinion.


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