Wednesday, January 19, 2011


it’s me again..

it’s already 1 in the morning,and im so sleepy cause i’ve took a medicine before..but i don’t wanna sleep yet

today,i feel so you don’t have any grip onto this life,or you just have a bad you’re fallin from your bike,or you got a bad score at school

well,it’s holiday,so i don’t get any bad score..

i feel so abandoned,because this past 2 days,well..just say i didn’t get my “medicine”

no,i don’t use drugs

you know,girl’s matter..


oh yeah,it is..

maybe you think it was ridiculous,i mean,ruining all your happy weekend just by a thing called love??

yeah,you-who have a healthy mind-will think like that

but no for me..

okay,what i’m bubbling about anyway??!

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