Thursday, February 24, 2011



Pranked!! my favorite Tv show in MTV,i sacrifice my bed time just to watch that show.My God,that show is really epic.
It made me think,foreign people are really damn crazy! the prank is really,really extreme!

I love the line they show in the warning section.

Good prank exist forever,You won't.

Damn true.

The Host

Amir and Streeter (forgot the last name,Google it)

Fyi,i think i will stick with Blogger longer than i expected.

Mood :Piss off
Song:The GazettE-The true murderous intent

This past 10 minutes experience

made me tired..

Umm,i create an account in LiveJournal,but Livejournal is more complicated than here.I think I'll stick with this blog for a while..

Until i discover how to customize the blog actually!!!


Current song :Shichi gatsu Youka-The GazettE
Mood :insomniac

I miss them

I miss Our time together,laughing and talking,taking photos and go somewhere together.

I love you,my big happy family.

Reason for my Existance.


Oh my..

I just saw the picture of Alice Nine's Gemini album promo day in one of my friend's page.Well,Nao seems very energetic,Hiroto too.But one thing that i really notice is.... Saga seems very pretty tired.

See the eyes?it breaking my heart saw those pair of eyes.I know,most of the songs in the Gemini is composed by him,poor thing.I think life as a musician is hard,nee~
He must be lack of sleep..but i notice one thing more.. He looks like crying for all night it me?or i just find Saga in the pic look so sad..i mean he suppose feel so excited all the time rite? Oh well,it's not like i'm Cal Lightman,an expression master (But,i think his face tell it)

All the members is have very happy-go-lucky expression in their faces.Saga?..not so really. I hope whatever it is,he will be just fine facing his problems,And Gemini is Rocks!

N.B :I just see my College Schedule for this semester..scary.

N.B (again) :

Nao's face is Epic..winner.


Fix it..*total fail

Yeah,i can't use the template designer anymore..i don't know why.All of a sudden,it won't load the templates..i hate that.

But,i change the made me feel a little better.Thanks for the header Fanpop !!
And thanks for the one who create this fantastic Wallpaper..
see,i'm giving the credit.

Oh well,i still hate the background..super lame!!

Mood :Bored
Song :King & Queen-Alice Nine

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I just love them..through their good and bad

Because this guys help me got through my hardest day,and pushes me forward to make my dreams come true.It's not like i do everything for their sake though,but they make me sure that i can do anything and make my dream come true.I don't care about their haters,let them alone.(But i still piss of of the haters cross the line though.)

I just want to say,no matter what happen i still love this band and i always love them,through their good and bad things.I will love them,their songs,their stage performances,everything.

I Just thinking that everyone has their own 'dirty little secret' and i wouldn't mind,it's their life anyway.

But i still love AOI love

I know i can't reach you guys with my own hands,even if i crying my ass out.It's just i want to say thank you for the music that you guys create.It really help me a lot.

ありがとう ございます みなさん !!

(My laptop can't write in japanese.It sucks)

Doing random things again..LOL

Steal (again) from my friend in facebook..look interesting,so i'll give it a try.

Set your music player to shuffle. For every question press next for the answer.

Whatever the song title is... WRITE IT!!! No Skipping!

Tag 25 or more friends (including me) and enjoy!!!

1. How are you?
i really need a coffee right now ="=

2. What did you do first thing in the morning?
Raining in september-Rufio
How did you know?this morning is raining,yes XD

3. Your breakfast was?
Ascendead master-Versailles
okay,that's scary,you know.

4. How do you bathe?
like i will catch a cold rite?!

5. How will you spend Valentine's day?
Sweet Sacrifice-Evanescence
Sacrificing people??#Devillaugh

6. Your ideal date is?
Someday-John Legend

7. Describe your dream guy/girl
She bangs the drums-The stones roses
He bang the drums..but i like guitarist!!

8. What comes to mind when you see Gackt?
Melodies of life-Emiko SHiratori

9. What do you say to someone attractive?
Stay away-l'arc~en~ciel
Hell no!! XD

10. What do you sing in the shower?
Life size mirror-No use for a name
Umm..yeah :D

11. What are you thinking of right now?
Choose the one who love you most-Copeland
Strike to the point right..

12. What excites you?
Depapepe's music is always make me excited

13. Describe yourself
The only difference between martyrdom and suicide is press coverage-panic!at the disco
i got a hard time write the title =__=

14. I am truly a...
Preperations for a last TV fake-Yann Tiersen
Yeah,right..i don't even like TV

15. Describe your group of friends
Memiliki kehilangan-letto

16. How would you kiss the person you like?
Glitter freeze-Gorillaz

17. Describe __________ (the person you like)
Heji-Konishi Kayo
No comment

18. Describe the person you hate
Summerboy-lady GaGa
Well,i know he/she will make you 'hot' and whatsoever,but...

19. A title you'd give yourself...
Pattern and how they change the visible world-Daphne and Derby

20. What was usually written on your report card?
Vulnerable-Secondhand serenade
At mathematics,yes.

21. What do you do during your past time?
Over it-Rufio
skip,skip,skip! XD

22. What was your dream last night?

Too much of a good thing-Sunsgrind

23. Your wish for 2011?

Come round soon-Sara Bareilles

24. What do you want to do right now?

Moondance-August rush soundtrack

25. your fetish is?

We belong together-Mariah Carey

26. What makes you sad?

For love-Lush

No way XD

27. Biggest secret?

Broken-Secondhand Serenade

yeah,got some 'broken things' in mah mind

28. You + ______ (person you like) =

Ganges ni akai bara-The GazettE

29. When someone flirts with you, you say?

trust me,i lie all time-The semester

30. Title of this entry...

You don't care about us-Placebo


what is this thing anyway!!


By the way,why Gazette's songs is just one in this meme...=3=p

Monday, February 21, 2011

I don't

I don't want to make you worry anymore.

God,why i have to be such a jerk like this?sometime i hate myself because of my attitude.
I want to change,but it's so fucking hard to do.

I want to become someone who make other happy,especially my family.Cause,they're my reasons why i still lingering in this world.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Sexy Seba~


Seba says :leave my babe-licious body alone!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sucks saturday night (Like it's always happen)

Yeah,so i'm stuck here when peoples go out for an outing.It's Saturday night,and i stay at home like i usually do.

There's Titanic in TV,but hell they cut the movie!

So now i just listening to music and browsing something odd.

Now Listening



P.S :Leonardo Di Caprio is just a hottie,isn't it?


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

All the love in the world

Sing by :The Corrs

I'm not looking for someone to talk to

I've got my friend, I'm more than O.K.
I've got more than a girl could wish for
I live my dreams but it's not all they say
Still I believe (I'm missing) I'm missing something real
I need someone who really sees me...

(Don't wanna wake...) Don't wanna wake up alone anymore
Still believing you'll walk through my door
All I need is to know it's for sure
Then I'll give... all the love in the world

I've often wondered if love's an illusion
Just to get you through the loneliest days
I can't criticize it
I have no hesitation
My imagination just stole me away
(Still...) Still I believe
(I'm missing) I'm missing something real
I need someone who really sees me...

(Don't wanna wake...) Don't wanna wake up alone anymore
Still believing you'll walk through my door
All I need is to know it's for sure
Then I'll give... all the love in the world

Love's for a lifetime not for a moment
So how could I throw it away
Yeah I'm only human
And nights grow colder
With no-one to love me that way
Yeah I need someone who really sees me...

(Don't wanna wake...) And i won't wake up alone anymore
Still believing you'll walk through my door
You'll reach for me and I'll know it's for sure
Then I'll give all the love in the world
(Don't wanna wake up alone anymore...)

This song is just so me..
I always questioning who i will end up with.I'm looking for love,i'm not hasten though,it's just that,i curious what God plan for me.

I want someone who i'll be understand,someone who i can talk to him about lot of things.Someone that real enough for me,when i wake up he's real and i will feel so lucky and unbelievable.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Guys,i just know what CaramellDansen is!!
Oh,how old i am!!

But hey,it's never too late for everything right?

So,i remember one of my friend saying caramelldansen to me,and i'm so curious,so i browse it on google (thanks,Google)

Instead the explanation,i find a....Funny picture of caramellDansen.

Credit to whoever upload it.

Uh-oh..Looks like sephiroth not to happy because of this.Oh well,maybe we can ask our friend to accompany him,don't we?

Luke and...Asch??Do Asch Resurrect from dead just to have a caramellDansen??
We definitely need someone to analyse it!!


What happen with CaramellDansen Fever,everyone?(or to be clear,What happen with me)

Holy F#@%ing Gee!!!
Leonidas!! What happen with you?!

I think i better sit down..
(yeah,and checking my mental stability is a good idea too.)

P.S :Seriously,Leonidas's Face is so flexibel~