Thursday, February 24, 2011

Oh my..

I just saw the picture of Alice Nine's Gemini album promo day in one of my friend's page.Well,Nao seems very energetic,Hiroto too.But one thing that i really notice is.... Saga seems very pretty tired.

See the eyes?it breaking my heart saw those pair of eyes.I know,most of the songs in the Gemini is composed by him,poor thing.I think life as a musician is hard,nee~
He must be lack of sleep..but i notice one thing more.. He looks like crying for all night it me?or i just find Saga in the pic look so sad..i mean he suppose feel so excited all the time rite? Oh well,it's not like i'm Cal Lightman,an expression master (But,i think his face tell it)

All the members is have very happy-go-lucky expression in their faces.Saga?..not so really. I hope whatever it is,he will be just fine facing his problems,And Gemini is Rocks!

N.B :I just see my College Schedule for this semester..scary.

N.B (again) :

Nao's face is Epic..winner.



  1. saga emang selalu jadi yang paling capek...
    entah kenapa tapi yang pasti dari jaman dulu kala dia udah kek gitu (bukti: pv cross game)
    ck, sabar ya sagaaa ~ *sodorin tora*

  2. Kasian ya hota,liatnya T,T

    udah kurus gitu,malah jadi kayak penyakitan..

    sabar ya saga *elus tora*
