Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Guys,i just know what CaramellDansen is!!
Oh,how old i am!!

But hey,it's never too late for everything right?

So,i remember one of my friend saying caramelldansen to me,and i'm so curious,so i browse it on google (thanks,Google)

Instead the explanation,i find a....Funny picture of caramellDansen.

Credit to whoever upload it.

Uh-oh..Looks like sephiroth not to happy because of this.Oh well,maybe we can ask our friend to accompany him,don't we?

Luke and...Asch??Do Asch Resurrect from dead just to have a caramellDansen??
We definitely need someone to analyse it!!


What happen with CaramellDansen Fever,everyone?(or to be clear,What happen with me)

Holy F#@%ing Gee!!!
Leonidas!! What happen with you?!

I think i better sit down..
(yeah,and checking my mental stability is a good idea too.)

P.S :Seriously,Leonidas's Face is so flexibel~

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