Sunday, July 11, 2010

It is so impossible

Curhat ah bentar..cause i'm in the sad mood,i think i will write everything here..
walaopun bahasanya campur aduk,ga papalah..

So,i was sitting in front of my laptop while listening to calm envy,and i suddenly start thinking something.

i start thinking about HIM.

He came in the right time,when i need someone to rely on,i was devastated because my 2-years-crush has rejected me,it's okay,i know it will be happen,but still...

now,when i look at his pic,i suddenly want to bang my head on the table..hahCrazy huh?

Yeah,that's me..a girl that like to dream big,that hope something impossible.People said,'never said impossible cause it will make it impossible'

Look what happen to me,pal.

Maksudnya adalah...beberapa hal memang sangat mustahil terjadi,saudara-saudara.Seberapapun kita meminta,sebanyak apapun kita merintih,toh gak bakal kejadian juga..Contohnya adalah ujan duit! Kurang banyak yang minta apa?tapi sampe sekarang belom pernah kejadian tuh..:please:*ya iyalah,bisa inflasi entar*

back to main topic,aku memang bodoh karena terkadang mengkhayal yang sangat jauuuhh banget dari kenyataan,aku pernah percaya,dan aku masih percaya kalau suatu saat akan terwujud.

tapi,apakah masih ada waktu?

deuh,lama-lama ga jelas oi..:sweaty:

a little poet here..

It is so impossible
i'm just an ordinary girl
you're a superstar
i'm such a dork
you're so briliant
i'm just one girl among millions that adore you
many people said i'm crazy,but they never know
they never know how it is to be loved
i'm a human too
i'm a girl that need affection
not from a family,i got that plenty,belive that
from someone that really want to give me affection
i never had luck in love
no matter i'm trying,no matter i'm crying
i never find it

When i heard a 'no' from him
my world instantly fell apart
i lost,nowhere to go
my effort is gone

Then you,all of you came
made me survive
made me able to smile again
made able to feel,what it's look like to be enjoying a music
you're my heroes
every gaze,every smile,i adore you
every facts i know about you,made me closer to you

but i'm not the only one
and i was such a fool to think that...

You'll never know me...i have to accept that

'we' are only exist in my mind,in my fantasy,in my own world
where no one will judge me..

Ada apa sih dengan saya??:tsk: Ampun kayanya aku udah gila deh..:waaah:

God help me!!!


Current songs:All the GazettE's songs.:sinchan

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