Friday, July 2, 2010

Why they have to write about that?!!

Okay first of all,no offense,everyone have their own choices and opinion,i just want to left out my feeling,because you know..i'm a big fan of them,and in my heart i felt broke.

So,i was surfing at LJ this noon,and i found some journal that really attractive.I read all of them,and i just thinking WTH!I mean,it was a huge shock to me!!!


Why they have to write for such thing?okay,call me a fangirl or retard,whatever.Just because i like them and i always kept my eyes in computer for aoi's tweet,doesn't mean you can't bashing everyone like that!!marah

just because i have this crazy dreams to meet them in future or a chance to know them doesn't mean i'm a crazy,overreacted girl that didn't have a normal life outside!

you said that Their sucks?!okay,think again..You think you're best than them?!
okay,i only know them for a few months and I'm not listening to all their songs,or i don't know any of music theory that you said earlier.Still,i have ears,and they're work perfectly thank god.

Ruki wrote the lyrics full of meaning,not just a mere words,they compose it with wholeheartedly,they been not sleep in the studio,composing and recording their music!

and for your record,i like them not because their look,but their music quality is awesome too!try to listening to their songs and find the translations,it's exist in Internet,and listen to them carefully.
okay,maybe their look is good too,but seriously!Stop saying that we're stupid just because we look a man in dresses and make up is a fool.

It's a style,for heaven's sake!!
So,stop being a smart ass!

I like them,they giving me a courage to dream,to pursue my dream and to work hard for my dreams.Not many of people want to dream..
I like them,their music,their looks,their stupidity,their makeup less face..everything.
if you really think that most of us is only love of them because their looks,think again,smartypants.
Maybe some people like that,but don't judge all of us like that,please.

And stop writing about how ugly or bla bla whatever pointing at their looks or how they're getting old like that..they're human like what you wrote,human is aging.I accept it,so why won't you?
and what with 'all of my friend left me for bla bla'
it was your friend faults,not the band!stop bashing the band.

I love them wholeheartedly..and their music.


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