Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The last thank you

Genre :Tragedy,a lil' bit of romance
Fic by : Dee
Listen to this song while reading :Deluhi-the farthest,the GazettE-Nakigahara

I don't know how world do it's work.I don't even care about it,all i know that my life is full of pain and sorrow.You maybe think that i was not grateful about my life,no.You're mistaken.

When your life was so messed up,you ended up pitying yourself than trying to fix it.

My name is Sue,and i'm on my 3th grade at high school.I have no friends,no one want to made friends with me.I'm not pretty,nor i smart.

Not like Juri,my classmate from japan.He's so handsome,all girls like him,but not me.
He handsome,smart and kind,an opposite of me.We never talked each other,but sometime he take a glance at me.

This morning,all of my classmates ignore me when we on art class,we should draw each other face.

No one want to draw my dirty face.

They know about it.About my family.So i just sit here,in the corner of the class,watching my friends do their work,i will be fail in this class,even the teacher ignore me,but it's okay,i'm used to it.

Juri flash a glance at me again,i look at him too,then he back to his work.

When i go home,all that i ever see just my mom take her client to our house.

our house that used to be so warm.
Since my father left me and go with another woman,because of my mom's work,i lose my heart and feelings.

Since Sally passed away,they torn apart myself,because she is my half.
She's my twin.
My mom didn't care about it though.

"Don't just standing there,if you can go help me,you little bitch."she was drunk.A middle-aged man is look at me with his filthy look.
"You're daughter is very beautiful.Is she..."
"Nah,she's useless.She even can't helpme.Just like his father.Bastard!"She throw the wine bottle in her hand,and go to her room with that man.

I was in my room,looking at our family picture.I miss Sally,she is the one who only understand me.She died because of asthma.
My mom kill him,no...That bitch kill my twin.
She didn't want to spent pennies on Sally's treatment.

Sally,i will go to your place.

I can hear the voices they made in the bedroom,even when i close my ears,i still can hear the moan and the scream they made.I hate it!i hate it,i want all of them to die.

I'm tired of this,i want to sleep.

The wind blow so fierce tonight,especially when you on rooftop of the building that has 23 floors.I wear Sally's dress,i will go to her place now.No one will stop me.

I climb the rail and i hold on to it.When i look down,everything just turn into a colorful dots.I don't afraid,i look at the sky,Sally is waiting for me.

"What are you doing?"a man said.
I turn my back and see Juri is there,standing.I don't know why he here,and i don't care.My pain will soon be gone.
"You won't do that...Sue,right?"

He remember my name.

"i always look at you."He said.My lips tremble.
"Why you care?i want to die,nothing left for me in this world."
"You can't say something like that."
"I can,especially when your mom is a whore and you never be acknowledge by anyone.What left for me in this world anyway?"my tears begin to spring

Juri walk closer to me,i look at his face.Fear and sadness...
"I help you.I will help you through anything."he said.

This is the first time someone say that to me...but.

"I'm sorry..Eventually it will happen to me too.But...Thank you,Juri."i smile for the last time.

The last thing i see is his horror face and...i don't feel anything again.

A peace.

I hope...i will be loved.

I finally said my last thank you with a wholehearted,to him

Someone that i secretly love.

Thank you.

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