Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Oba-chan is asleep when I got home,Aiko help me change my clothes and wash my shirt.And then she return to her room.Tomorrow I have an exam in the morning,I try to study a little,But my head begin to feel sore and I’m dizzy.So,I lay on the bed and hoping for the best tomorrow.I try to sleep,but my head is killing me.I will buy the medicine tomorrow,So I guess I have to bear it for this night.I replay the incident in the live today,I really,really glad that I save Ruki.if only I late for a second there,Maybe Ruki will feel this pain.Well,at least he’s okay.
Suddenly my phone ring.I look at the LCD,I don’t know this number.Anyway,I press the green button.
No way.I look at the number again.I didn’t know the number,but the voice is like Aoi’s.what if I get punk’ed?or a wrong person?What to do?
“Who is it?”I ask,What if my expectation is wrong.
“It’s the gazette guitarist speaking.”
I don’t have a genie,But all my dreams be so real?
“Hello?you still there?”He ask again.
“Ah,gomen.yes,I’m here.”
“So,how are you?How’s your head?”
He pay attention to me.How sweet.”I’m okay.though it sometimes hurt me.But I’m’s not I faint or anything.Are you got home safely?”
“Your head still hurt?I’m already at home,And I call you right?So,yes I’m safe.everyone in my home right now,and Ruki is asking your condition.”
“It’s good you got home safely.”I said,”Tell Ruki I’m okay.And nothing to worry about.”
“Actually the doctor told me you may have a brain concussion.So,someone should wake you up every two hours.I asked Aiko to do that.But I think i do it for you while I can.Sorry I disturb you.”
Brain concussion?but,isn’t that dangerous?If I get a brain concussion,I have to go to the hospital.
“No,I actually not sleep yet.I just finished studying for tomorrow exam.”I sit in the bedside.I can’t sleep anymore.I mean,Hello,There’a a phone call from my favorite artist in the world and he worrying about me.Yeah,sure.I can sleep.
It’s sarcastic,okay?
“You still have to go to campus tomorrow?”He ask.
“Well,I just have an exam tomorrow,and I will buy my medicine too.”
“Why you tell Aiko to buy you the medicine?”
“Uh,because I’m still can walk and I’m not a baby.”
He laugh a little,what a nice voice.”You force yourself,right?”
I frown a little.”No,I can take care of myself.”
I don’t hear anything for a he angry?why?
“you’re strong.”he said.
“Thank you.”I smile a little.
I feel my heart Is racing again.And I bite my lip.”so,how you get my number?”I ask.Even though I know the answer.
“I asked Aiko earlier.You don’t mind,right?”
Definetly not.”No,I don’t mind.”
“Great.Oh look.I gotta go now.It’s a little cold now,and..Everyone is calling for me.”
“Eh,you’re outside?”
“I smoking outside.And I don’t want anyone disturb me while I talking to you.So,good night and sleep well.”
I’m flying.”Yes,you too.Please have a good rest.”I said,”oyasuminasai.”
“Oyasuminasai.”And he hang up.

It’s already a half hour since Aoi called me,and my heart is still racing.I can’t sleep.Slowly,I take his coat that he lent me,his scent is still there.I still can smell his perfume.Bvlgari.

I’ve only sleep for a few hours,and it’s already five.The exam will start at seven.So I decide to go to the pharmacy first.I can’t go downstairs yet,Because auntie is wake up.I will leave early when auntie is go to the market.I hope I can deceive her and hide this wound.
I use this plenty of time to study a bit.And at six,when oba-chan is already go to the market,I go downstairs.when I want to have a drink,I see a box in the table with my name on’s a bentou.i smile a little,and put the bentou in my bag.And I write something in the back of the paper.
“Arigatou.daisuki ga,Oba-chan”

The exam is already finished.And I think I’m gonna make it.The thing is,when I want to go to the pharmacy,it still close.So,I’m doing my exam with my head killing me.Well,let’s just hope for the best.
Aiko still have two class,so I go home with Cred.But Cred need to go to the library for his research.He have to repeat his paper for Suzuki-sensei.I’m feel sorry for him.But he did deserve it.So,I walk home alone.
I buy my medicine in the nearest pharmacy,and drink it straight,cause my headache is start to killing me again.And I stop by at the bookshop to buy some postcard and books.I will send a postcard to my mom this evening.
I’ll go straight to home,And find Oba-chan is making a stew.luckily,the weather outside is really cold,so I wear my hoodies.She didn’t see my bandage and tell me to wait for the dinner.I quickly run to my room and change my clothes and my bandage.The doctor said that I have to wear it for five days and I have to change it every other day.The pain is gradually disappear.And I feel better.
After doing my assignment,I go to the post office and send my mom a postcard.My mom didn’t like me to send her email,because she thinks I’m too lazy to send her a letter.
I don’t know what to write in letter,So I just send her a postcard.I hope she didn’t mad at me.When I want to walk home,I see a man staring at me.He wear a hat and a black long sleeves shirt.When I walk,He follow me to.And when I stop,He stop too.I look back and He is surprise and hide.
What this man want actually?
I run as fast as I could,and he follow me too.Darn it!What is he looking for!He keep chasing me,and I turn left at the interception.Andi keep running.I look back and he keep chasing me,But looks like he want to catch me.
Suddenly,a black car is stop in front of me.This is the end!Shit!
But,the driver roll down the window.”Get in!quick!”I hear Aoi voice.Without any second thought,I quickly hop in the front seat and close the door.Aoi is press the gas pedal quickly and leave the man.I look back and see the man is stop and run at the opposite direction.I relieve,at least he doesn’t call any backup or anything.
“Wear your safetybelt.”he command me in vicious tone.I startled and wear my safetbelt in silent.Am I make him angry?why?should I say something right now?what did I do wrong?
He sighing and see me.He frown his forehead a little. “What happen?”
“I’m sorry.”I said,I didn’t have the courage to look at him.
“why you say sorry?”He ask.
Eh,didn’t he just mad at me?”I thought you’re angry.”I said with a small voice.He just used a vicious tone at me.
“Oh,I’m so sorry.I didn’t realized it.I don’t mad at you,really.It’s just that man made me angry.”he said with a smile.
Thank god.”I see.Thank you for saving me.I’m not sure if I can handle him alone.”
“Eh,you wanna fight him?”now,it’s his turn to startled.
“I can fight.Back then when I was highcshool,I’m in karate club.”I said proudly.
He laugh hard.And I found myself really embarrassing.I stare at the window.Okay,I should stop saying things.
“You’re unpredictable.”he said
What the..?When I turn my head to him,He smiling at me,And I forget what I want to say.His smile is melting my heart but in the same time,my heart is racing and my stomach feels so weird.I remind myself to breath.
“How do you found me?”I ask.
He concentrate at the road.”I was in studio with other.But I decide I want to take a break a moment and grab some coffe while seeking inspiration.I just give Reita and Ruki a lift at the restaurant.And I saw you,and that man.”
“Who’s that man,for real?Why he chased me earlier?”
Aoi take a deep breath “You don’t read the news?There’s so much abduction cases now,most of their victim is girls.”
“Eh,I can’t read kanji.”I said.
“I should really be careful now.”
“I will.”
We stay silent for a minute,I wonder where he take me.
“You don’t mind for sime detour right?do you want to go to the park?”
“Of course,I will text Aiko I’ll be going somewhere else.”.I reach my cellphone and text Aiko quickly.
After five minutes,we arrive in the park.There’s a lot of tree and peoples that take their dog for a walk.I’ts work day,so not many people in here.
“Wow,it’s really beautiful.”I said.There’s many object for a photo here.And the weather is so nice.I find myself take a breath slowly.The air is so nice.
Aoi come back with two cup of coffe.And he give one to me.
“I’ts still hot.Be careful.”
“Arigatou gozaimasu.”
Aoi smile and we sit in the bench near the tree.My heart begin to racing again.I mean,It just like a date right?
I get rid of that thought at once.
“It’s so calm here.I like it.”He lean his shoulder to the bench and sip his coffee a little.I stare at him a bit.,and drink my coffee too.”Even though is a little cold,huh?”
“Yeah,but it compatible with the scenery here.”I reply
I nod my head.And look the scenery
“But,you don’t scared being spot by your fans?”I ask.
“No,actually they rather didn’t believe it.And the peoples here are only elders and child.So,I don’t think I will get caught.”
He got the point.I finish my coffee and put the glass in the trash bin.I suddenly realize I have my camera.I always bring my camera everywhere,in case something interesting happen.I think I will take some picture.
“Is it okay for me to take a picture?Are you in hurry?”I ask.
Aoi shake his head,and continue leaning his shoulder.”Go ahead.”
“Thank you.”
I take a lot of picture,because there’s so much object here.I happy in here,I even didn’t know there’s such a place in here.
I walk back at the bench,and he already finish his coffee.
“Got any good picture?”He ask.
“A lot.This is such a nice place.”I said.
“Can I take a look?”
I give my camera to him.I sit beside him,but my eyes is looking at the scenery.The wind blow a bit,I tighten my jacket.
“When this picture taken?”He ask.
I look at the camera.The monitor show me a sunset picture in the building.I remember it clearly.It was the photo when I confessed to my crush two years ago.
“’s..ehh…I took it when I at highschool.”I fail hiding my trembling voice.My eyes is suddenly spread with tears,I quickly hiding it with sighing.I look at the other way,trying to hide my feelings.I won’t cry.
Aoi is staring at me,and I quickly stand up and pretend to rub my eyes.
“I got something in my eyes.”I said to him.
He didn’t say anything.He must be saw my expression earlier.Instead asking it,he smile and give me the camera again.
“I’ll drive you home.”He said.
We spend the time in the car with sing.He play the gazette songs,and when “Doko darake no seishun”play,We sing and laugh at the same time.
The sun is almost set when I get home.He send me to front of the home.
“Thank you for accompany me.”He said.
“Thank you for saving and accompany me too.”I reply.
He smiling like he usually do and didn’t say anything.I remember this is the same place when he kissed my cheek.I’m burning again thinking about it.
“My coat…”
“Ah,yes,I will go get it now.”He hold my hand and turn my shoulder.
“Keep it.”he said “So,I have a reason to come here again.”
Oh god.”What?”I said,But he already go to the car and waving at me.
The butterfly now up on my chest.

After dinner,Me and Aiko do our assignment together.And we got news that Oba-chan will go to Nagoya for two days.Because Oji-san got sick and she really worry.
“We’ll be okay.It’s a good neighbourhood and there’s a police patrol every night,Don’t worry Oba-chan.Just be careful and say hello to Oji-san from us.”That’s what Aiko and me tell her.She just smile and give her cellphone number and ask us to call if anything happen.We see her off today.
“What will we eat tonight?”Aiko said.
“No idea.Let’s just eat some fast food,okay?”.She nod and we go to a fast food restaurant.We get home by nine.Aiko straightly go to her room,She had a morning class tomorrow.I do the dishes and prepare a sandwich for her for breakfast tomorrow.I study a bit and reply Tommy’s message in my cellphone.I still keep Aoi’s number in my incoming calls.He didn’t call me,I know he’s been so busy for the tour.I just hope he didn’t fall sick or whatever.I hope he’s fine.I continue my study and go sleep,hoping tomorrow will be better.

“My brother ask us if we want to watch the premiere of the video of the gazette’s live this afternoon.Wanna come?”Aiko asked me one day.Oji-san is healthy and be given a day off for a week.He stay with us and look more happy.When he got home,he’s so pale.So his boss gave him a day off.But now,he’s healthy again.
“Of course.i don’t have class now.”I reply.
“Good,I call Riku right now.”she smile.
So,the movie is already finish huh?it’s been two week since the wound are already healed.Just some white scar left,I can cover it with bangs.
Aiko call Riku and we will meet in front of station.I kill the time with helping oba-chan make a porridge for oji-san.Cassey,oba-chan’s daughter,is call her when we want to go.She just nod and waving at us when we leave home.I wear my long slevees shirt that Aiko gave me,and a grey jacket and jeans.We meet Riku and quickly get to the train.
“Oh,you’re here.”Tahiko wait for us in the front of the building.He wear a red shirt and blue jeans.
“I thought we were going to the cinema.”said Aiko.
Tahiko roll his eyes.”We can’t rent a cinema for just a couple of people.”
He got the point.We follow him to the cinema room,the staff are already gather there.they sit in the chair that randomly ordered.
“Hei,they’re come.”said a staff
We greeting and bow to them.we sit in the chair and chat with them.
“How’re your wound?”ask the manager.
“I’m’s completely healed.”I reply.
“That’s why you have a bangs now,eh?well,it suits you.”the manager smile and I thank him.I keep talking to the manager and see the staff working.
The member is coming soonafter.They greeting and bow too.
“How’s your school?”Aoi ask me.
“Great.I already pass the final exam.”
“Dee,how’s your wounds?are you fine?”Ruki said to me,
“It fully healed.Thank you.”I smile.
“Ah,that’s good.”
Ruki go to the snack table and grab a glass of tea.Kai and Reita asking about my school and everything,while Uruha is talking to Riku.Both of them get along so well.
“Shall we play the movie now?”ask the manager.Everyone said yes,and randomly sit.Aoi sit beside me and Reita in front of me.In my left is Aiko and Tahiko and on Aoi’s right is Kai with the manager.
The movie is start,the first part is when the member come and see the stage and everything.Then there’s us walking with manager.The moment when the mic explode is being cut,of course!
We see the member getting their make-up and costume,it’s so funny and interesting,I laugh with everyone.
The concert is so great!Everyone headbanging and having a goodtime.For the last song they play cassis,my favorite song.Everyone was so appreciate it.Ruki sang it with such a deep feeling.Maybe if I watch the concert,I will crying my ass out.He sang beautifully.
The movie is playing for a hour.When the movie finish,everyone clap their hand.
“What do you think?”ask the manager.Everyone said good.I said It’s great.I’ll definitely buy it when it come out!
“Let’s go somewhere else.”Aoi whisper in my ear.I follow him.First we get to staff room,Aoi is bring his guitar,and we go to the rooftop.
The wind is so cold,and I’m tremble a bit.Aoi take off his jacket and put it to me.
“You can’t.How about you?”I said
“I’m wearing long sleeves.Don’t worry.”he said.
I smile a bit.”Thank you.”I follow him and sit in side of the fence.We stay silent while Aoi is tunning his guitar.
“You’re almost crying earlier right?”He said.
He smile a bit and turn his body to me.”When Ruki sang cassis.You almost cried right?let me presume that you cry because you couldn’t see the live.”He smile.
I bow my head a bit.He know it.”Yeah.”
“I may not have a good voice like Ruki,but.i think I can sing cassis for you.”
“I’ll listen to it.”I smile.
He smile too,and begin to play it with only with his voice and guitarBut,.i know he sing it from his deepest heart.He such an amazing musician.

Aa, zutto kurikaeshiteta
Zutto kanashimasete bakari datta
Aa, kitto anata sae mo kizu tsukete
Boku wa ugokeno mama

Aa, anata ni fureru koto ga
Naze konna ni kurushii no desu ka?
Kitto onaji koto wo kurikaeshite
Anata wo ushinatte shimau no ga kowakatta kara
Yori suo koto de nuguou to shita wasure kirenakatta hi wo
Anata wa nani mo kikazu ni kono te wo nigettekureta ne
Ashita anata no kimochi ga hanarete mo kitto kawarazu ai shiteru.
Ashita anata ni boku ga mienakute mo kitto kawarazu ai shiteru

When he finish with the song,I instantly clap,I almost crying.I only can hear his voice and his guitar,No bass,No drum.But it make the song more beautiful,because he really sing it with a passion.
“How was my first solo concert?”
“If I have a flower,I will give it to you.”I said.”Sorry,but I can just clap and give you a standing ovation for now.”I bow and he reply too.
We giggle a bit.I notice Aoi is trembling too,So I reach his hand and put in his coat’s pocket that I wear.
I know this is crazy,and I suddenly feel so embarasse,Aoi must be mad or anything.When I turn around my head,I see him blush.
Blush?No way?
“I’m sorry.”I said.
Aoi is stare me and quickly put his hand in the pocket again.Since my hand is there too,He hold it.Now it’s my turn to blushing.
“I’m sorry I don’t call you often.”he said
“It’s okay,really.I know your busy and I know you didn’t have much spare time.I just want you to keep your health good.”I said.
He stare at me and come closer.Then he kiss my cheek again.Suddenly I’m not feeling so cold anymore.Oh god!
“That’s really kind of you.”He said
We stay silent for a while and he ask if we can go inside now.I follow him inside.
“Don’t tell anyone about that okay?I will be very embarrassed.”He said.
We eat and laughing all night.Aoi give me and Aiko a drive and Riku will go home with Uruha.When Aiko is already inside,Aoi say goodnight and kiss my forehead.
“Good night.”he said.
“Ride safely now.”
Aoi is waving and smiling.I still standing there even when he gone.I almost cry in front of’s so embarrassing.
Aoi is so nice,and the other members too.They all kind and funny.I’m glad I can met them in personal.They’re my biggest idol in my live.


I’m attending class when Aiko is texting me.She invite me to join her.We will get the copies of the tour dvd.They give us for free!Bless them.
We ride shinkanshen and arrive at the office.
“Wait here,while I get the dvd.”Said Tahiko
“um,where’s the toilet?”I ask
“Oh,it’s just at the end of the hall.”
I go to the toilet and I hear a staffs talking about something.I’m not eavesdrop,they just not careful when they gossiping.
“I swear,I see Aoi-san and that girl went to the rooftop.”
“Eh,what were they doing?”
“beats me.”
Eh,they talking about me?
“Aoi-san is too nice to her.She’s just a fan right?”
“Well,all artist is being nice to their fans right?So that girl is so fool if she think she special.Aoi-san is always nice for everyone.He is a star right?”
My heart suddenly beating slowly,I don’t have anything to say.My head is empty.I confront with the truth now.But,why it crumbling me?
After that,I slowly return to the room and Aiko say that she already get dvd.I ask her home straight away.when I hear the voice behind me.
It’s Aoi.I don’t know what to do,or what to say,or what face should I put on.
“Yahiko told me you’re here.Wanna stop by first?”he ask me.
It’s weird,but I nod my head.
We get to the car and I only respond his words a little.That conversation still hanging in my head.
He take me to his apartment.He say,he only want to grab a camera and a guitar.but he soon notice my face.
“Something wrong?”he ask
“No,really.”I reply.But my heart is aching.I feel I want to cry,I can’t.
He stare me,and he getting closer and he kiss my cheek and my eyes.He hug me now,it normally burn me.But I feel cold now.
“Are you always like this to everyone?”I ask,my voice trembling and my eyes is watery.
He look at me with a look of asking.”What?What happen?Why are you crying?”
“I’m sorry.I know it’s not my place.I only a fan of you,and you’re a star.You always kind to everyone else right?I was so stupid to thinking that I was special to you…”I can’t control my voice again.My throat is hurt.My heart is aching.
“What are you…”
“No,i….sorry.I just hoping too much from you.Ahahha…I’m such a foolish girl.”I said.I can’t take it anymore,I crying like a baby,my tears is flow out like a fountain,I cry in front of someone else.
I can’t take it anymore!I grab my bag and run like an idiot.He just stand there,I guess I trouble him again.

I got home successfully without everyone noticing.I enter my room and sit in the bed side.His coat os still hanging,I fold it and I put in the bag.I will take it to Tahiko and ask him to return it to Aoi.
I start to crying again,and my tears spill in the coat.I cover my face with my feels so hurt,it feels so empty.i only can cry,and cry.I have to forget everything about him.Every moment I spent with him.Everything.

His scent still lingering in my room when I fall asleep with my tears.Bvlgari.I dream he playing his guitar,and smile at me,like in the rooftop a couple week ago.
I faintly hear the song.

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