Tuesday, June 8, 2010

my first fanfic..:)

soo..i try to make something out of boringness..and yeah,i did!
please be kind to me,this is my first time..

That girl was standing in the front of her class.it’s the end of the semester and she will not see her friends again.this is her last chance to confessing to the man she loved for this 3 years.she was anxious,nervous and happy at the same time.they both had a same hobby,same music and same activities.they both regulary chatted in computer for a long time.and she had this faith that he will accept her confession.
She smile a little,and imagine if they both become a couple.her eyes was sparkling with happiness,while the man was walking towards her.
Suddenly,she feel nervous again.but,is her last chance,there is no turning back right now!
“hey,you still here?how about the photograph?”
“yeah,I think this scenery is good,if we put in the front of our graduation’s book.what do you think?”she asked.
He frowns a little “ah,yes.i agree.gimme the camera.i know the perfect angle.”he run towards the south of the building.she follow him.it’s 5 Pm,and the sun was half setting from the sky.the sky was filled with golden filamen and clouds.
The man took some a picture while the girl was staring at him.
“cool!this is good.this picture is good.”he said.
“I know.you should thank me.”said the girl,smiling.
“oh,thank you.”the man bow to the girl with a joke gesture.the girl giggling and the man started the laughing.
“oh,look at the time.it’s already 6.30 Pm.fuih,time sure goes fast if we spent together.”said the man.
The girl look at him deeply. “I want to say something to you.”she said.
The man look at her “go on.i listen.”
suddenly,someone come towards them.a girl with long hair.she waving at them.
“hey,you guys are soo late!”said her.
“I’m sorry,lea.”the man reply.
“we have a date you know!”she looked so angry.the man smile at her and touch her hair.
“I’m reallyyy sorry.”
Both of them didn’t realize that their friends was in huge shock.Date?I must be wrong.are those two..dating?,she thought.
“oh,we didn’t tell you?we’re dating now.”said the girl happily.the man look so shy,but happy.
The girl try to smile a little,hiding her feelings.not because she was her best friend,or because the man look so happy.but it automatic happen.
“really?wow.you should tell me sooner lea.”she successfully hide her trembling voice.
“I’m really sorry.”the girl smile.she look so sweet and beautiful compare to her.
“nah,I’ts okay.i know you will too happy to tell me this.beside,I was busy at class organizing for our graduation party,so,it’s fine.”she said clearly,even though her heart were broke.
“oh yeah,what was that?the thing you want to talk to me?”he said.
“oh,that.emm..i was wondering,where do you go after finishing highschool?and don’t forget to bring my comic books.”she said
“oh,yeah.i will go to college,with lea.and your comic books,I will deliver it later to your place.”
“no!you can’t!”she said with a high voice.the man look confuse.but the girl quickly hiding the feeling.”I will go to my relative’s house.so you can deliver it later,when the graduation party start,okay?”
“no problem.”the man smile.smile that always become her dream.not in their hangout photograph,nor in her class’s videotape.but a smile that always warm her day,a smile that he love,a smile that always made her heart racing.someone that she can grab onto.
“hey,you better go now.you two have fun okay?”she waving at them.
Lea hugs her tightly,her perfume was smell good.”don’t forget to call me when you need something.we may be apart,but I’m still your bestfriend right?”
The girl smile and pinch her nose “of course,silly.enjoy this moment with him,he a good man and loyal.”
“I know,honey.i love you and always pray for your happiness.”
The girl shakes the man hand “she’s my best friend.if you hurt her,you deal with me!”she said
“yes maam!”the man gave her a salute.
Both of them waving at her,leaving her,unrecognized,crying alone in her heart.the sun are already setting.so is her love.

2 years later..

“Sure you want to do this honey?actually daddy can still afford your tuition if you want to go to college.”ask Monita.her only daughter,Dee will go to japan tomorrow,she will stay with her aunt and uncle in Tokyo.
“mom,it’s my dream to go to japan.if I can I will go there as soon as I had an opportunity.auntie asked me to stay with her,and she will covering my tuition.isn’t that great?”said Dee.
“I know,dear.i know it’s your dream.and I know it’s your decision.but,we will be lonely without you.”she said while her daughter packing some clothes.
“I will call you as soon as I got there.i promise.”she hug her mom thightly.and she try to hide her tears.
“hemm,uncle called me,and he said he will pick you up from narita airport.you still remember him right?”
she laughing “of course!they just visit us last month remember?”
her mom giggling,and she help her pack the luggage.


it’s already 2 Am and she can’t even blink her eyes for a bit.she gets so excited to go to the country that she really dream for.although she feel sad because she will leave her parents and her brother for a while.but,they still can contact them.so, it’s okay.
She rise from her bed and look out through the window,her grey cat was tailing her.
“sebast,I hope you’ll not feeling alone.i will miss you,fatty.”she stroke hos furs a bit.and the try to sleep.
Dee is come out from her room bringing her luggage and a backpack.her family will go see her off at the airport.shetake out her passport and her ticket,she have the noon flight,so there’s still a time to say goodbye to her family.when they arrive at the airport,she turn around and see her family.
“I will call you when I got there,don’t worry!”she said to her parents,she hug his daddy and his mom,and kiss them on the cheek.
“don’t forget to pray,be safe now!”said her mom.
“don’t mind to ask people,even to use English,knowing that your japanese is not very good.”her daddy still hold her hand.
“I will,dad.my phone is always active.”she smiling.
Not so long,the plane will fly in minute.”oh no,I have to go!bye everyone,I love you!”she run through the door and abroad the plane.
She sit in the seat near the window,and start to relax her body.it gonna take 13 hours to japan,so she will make her self comfortable.the plane soon take off,bringing her to her wildest dream to japan.

She finally arrive in the Narita airport.after taking her luggage,she walk to the arrival gate and she her uncle waving a big card in her name in it.she waving her hand at her uncle and walk towards him.
“Dee!long time no see!oh,let me take your bags.”said john.
“uncle john.thank you very much!”
“ah,it’s okay.me and my wife happy to have you in home.Cassey was already go to Harvard to do business school,so it’s a little lonely at home,ne.now,let’s go home.yumiko already miss you so much.”john lift some bags and they walk to the car.
“it takes an hour from here to Tokyo.i live in shibuya.which it will take maybe an hour or two,but the traffic not to crowded so,I think we’ll arrive sooner.”
“wow,Tokyo is….wow!!”she said,her eyes looking everything that catches her sight.
“ahaha,welcome to Tokyo,dear.”
After an hour,they arrive at home.it is a two-floor home with a white paint.they walk through the gate.at the entrance door,there is a woman with a long pony tail hair,that’s yumiko.
“tadaima,honey!tadaima,dee!”she said and hugging Dee.”welcome to japan,dear.”
“okaerinasai,oba-san.”she reply.
“look,you already fluent with Japanese,good.”she said while lead them to the dining room while john bring her bags upstairs.
“no way.i only know a little Japanese.i think I have to improve it.”she take off her jacket,it’s fall in japan,so the weather is really windy.
“then I know the teacher!let me introduce you to her! This is sumiregawa aiko,my niece.”the girl that sit in the chair near the window rise.she had a funky colored hair,slim body,and her height is same as dee’s shoulder.she wear a funky shirt and a skirt.she smile a little and bow.
“watashi wa…ano…um..”Aiko grin and she hold her hands.
“don’t worry,I can’t speak English verry well.my dad once live in America.nice to meet you,cause I’ll be your…kinda roommate,I’ll be staying in here too.”she said.
“yep..hehehe..let’s be friends!”
it’s been 3 months I live in japan,and guess what?it’s sooo awesome.Tokyo tower!shibuya!and..vending machine!gosh,it really cool in here!
Me and aiko got one class in our university and we always do research together.of course,I make some friends too.not of them are japanesse,like Tommy,she’s from Australia and Cred from Georgia.they are live in japan since little,so they adapt pretty well.unlike me,I often got teased by everyone cause my screwed Japanese.like today.
“nee,it proununce to doomo arigatou.but you talk like you want to chase shinkansen.slow down a bit!”said Tommy after we finished our paper.Chisato and Ryuuki was also here.and they listen to me well,they’re my (another) Japanese teacher.they really a good teacher,if only they stop talking in Japanese while made a comment about me…
“argh,but people do understand right?”I said while drinking my lemon tea.
“no,no!can’t do that.people might get misunderstanding.”aiko take my lemon tea,making me choke.
“huuh,okay,okay.next time I will watch NHK,not anime.”
“hahaha,you sound like a little child!”aiko laughing really hard with Tommy.
The radio is playing a new song.then suddenly aiko scream.
“kyaa,it’s the gazette new song!oh my god,I shoudl preorder it!”
“sugoi!”said Chisato
Aiko is start to sing.”hey,Tom,do you watch their concerts this august?”
“of course!I won’t miss it for anything!”
what!!I stand up to quickly and made some water spill on Tommy trousers.she swearing in Japanese while grabbing a napkins.”what was that for?!”
I don’t believe it!they will watch the gazette live!and they don’t tell me..!how cruel!
“hey,you’re okay?your face is red.”ask Aiko.
“how..i..want..to..okay.whe you guys talking about the gazette live and didn’t tell me?!”I yell.Aiko burst into laughing.no,why she laughing at time like this?
“you know,I just want to tell you..that I have an extra ticket with me and I want to take you.because oba-chan told me the reason you came to japan because you want to meet them.”she pointing me with a concert ticket.
It’s my damn lucky day.
“I’ll go,I’ll definetly go!!oh my god,can you believe that?I actually get a chance to see them in person!ohh!!can you believe that?!”
“yeah,we believe.”everyone raise their hand.and continue their meal.
“finish your food already.and put those ticket,they don’t go anywhere.”Aiko said.
I put the ticket in my organizer book,but then I write it down in the paper so I won’t forget.because, I usually forget something very easily.yeah,that’s me.
Tommy finish her meal first.that gluttonous girl.”where do you go after this?”
“Me and chisato will go to university.Suzuki-sensei want our essay.the deadline is tomorrow but if we give him tomorrow,we only get a B.”said Cred while he lit a ciggarete.”don’t know why but Suzuki-sensei didn’t like me.”
Tommy rolling her eyes.so do i.because we all now why Suzuki-sensei didn’t like Cred.
“it’s because of your absence,dude.”I said.”Suzuzki-sensei didn’t like a student with a abnormal absence,I mean.in a month you only attend class like,15 times?and you still got an A for your paper?he know you’ll get help from Chisa.”
“Hey,it’s not fair really.i mean,I just good with my English and then suddenly I got a Japanese lecture?I confuse you know.you guys didn’t understand my feeling.”
My turn to roll my eyes.”oh yeah,you really bad with Japanese,you can’t even have a date with Japanese girl,and you can’t get to shinkanshen alone.and you even can’t read my Japanese manga,which you still not return it after a week.of course,you can’t speak Japanese.”I said with sarcastic tones.i’m getting better at this.
Aiko laughing and Tommy console Cred with half hearted.Cred sullen and drinking his tea.i smile a little
“oh,Cred.it’s only a joke!for god’s sake,please stop your whining already.”I try to not laugh while saying this.
“yeah,whatever..”he said,and he’s mumubling himself in Russian.
“Dee,I’ll go to shopping district.you wanna come or what?”Aiko asked me.
“eh,iie.i don’t like crowd.i think I’ll go home.i promise to my brother I will send him an email.”
Aiko put some money in the table and stand up”okay,I’ll be going now.sure you don’t want to come?”she said
“na-ah.i don’t like crowd,I said.”
“okay,okay.i bring you something from there,okay?”
“really?something good or something really good?”
Aiko smile devilishly”Surprise,of course.”
Yeah,right.i stand up too and put some money in table.Chisato sum them up and pay it to the cashier.We wear our coat and go outside.
“huaa,I’ts so cold.”I heard Tommy said that.
“well then,I’ll catch you later,’kay?” they waving at me and I put my ipod on,of course my favorite band.the gazette,I pick one song while I walk to home,hole seem to be a good one.

muishiki ni hikarete yuku
utagai wa aibu de kakuseru ?
「Foolish brain」
It knows…
Please freeze my malice.
Rape me in that cold eye and kindness.
saigo no uso sa

oh,god.i’m here in japan..and next month I’ll be going on their live.this is to good to be true.oh yeah,oh yeah.that thought make me happy!but,I really confused what to wear.
“I should go with Aiko to shop.”I murmur.but,my allowance is not enough,maybe I will have the part time job.but,auntie not allow me to.oh,what to do.
It’s not good.this is my first time to meet them in live.and there’s a chance,even little,I can shake hand with them,especially Aoi.oh my god,what if I wear something really terrible.no,no..i can wear my shirts and trouser.after all,it’s just a concert right,I smile.
The song now changing to “without a trace” and I waiting in traffic light.
When it turn into green,I rapidly walking before it turn red again.when I got to shibuya,I stop first to see the people with their costumes in the street.i always amaze by their creatifity and their confidence to show their art.i look all around the street,and it was full with people.i usually hate crowds,but here in shibuya,there’s different from other that I hated.i don’t know why,but in shibuya everything get more and more exciting.it always success to make me surprise and fill with amazeness.so,when I’m alone I always go here and see them.and took some pictures.
After spending ten minutes,I walk home again.now the ipod play “Doko darake no seishun”,it makes me want to dance,really.
I get home not so long,and I meet auntie who do gardening in front of home.
“tadaima,oba-san”I said
“ah,dee..okaeri.can you help me with this?bring this inside okay.”she ask while holding a basket with some vegetable inside.
“sure.”I switch my bag to my left shoulder and bring the basket with my right hand.i let my shoes and wear some slippers and put the basket in the kitchen.and then I go upstairs and turn on my laptop.
I check my email and I found one from my brother,I reply it quickly,and I post some of the photos I took yesterday.one email is come from my friend at highschool.
No way,it’s him!oh noo…
He posted his photo with his girlfriend at the front of the building,and there;s some tagline in it.
“we miss you,come back soon!”

I didn’t reply it.he maybe didn’t know,but I still at my broken hearted state!boys!they even don’t know when a girl love them.
I let my laptop on,and I put my ipod again.it’s now playing my favorite song “cassis”

Ashita anata no kimochi ga hanarete mo kitto kawarazu ai shiteru.
Ashita anata ni boku ga mienakute mo kitto kawarazu ai shiteru
I will walk together, to future not promised to yet
It keeps walking togetherr, to the future which you are...

I know what it means..and I started to cry when I hear it.maybe..deep down I know I still like him.and I still can’t forget about him.even when he didn’t love me.
I don’t know,but I think I fall asleep,and I dream,I meet ruki,kai,uruha,reita and..aoi.

They playing cassis for me.

it's just part 1,fella..^^

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