Tuesday, June 8, 2010

part 2..it's getting better..:)

I see a light,a very bright white light.it feels like you’ve directly being spot with a big white lamp.and my eyes is hurt,it so hurt.and then I hear a big sound,like bomb or something.oh my god!
“hey,sleepyhead!”Aiko yell at my ear.
I suddenly wake up,and my ipod is fall from the bed.oh,no!if it’s broken,I will yell at Aiko at once.
“no way!are you sleeping with your ipod on?it will make you headache,silly”
I glare at Aiko.I checked at my ipod,fuih,I guess it’s okay.Just a little scratch on the back.I so relieved.
“what was that for?!can you wake me up more…normally?”
“darling,take it easy.oji-san is coming home.let’s have a dinner.”
“e?what time is it?”
“no way..”
I wait for Aiko to change her clothes,and my feet nudge something on the floor.It’s a lot of shopping bag. 4..maybe 5,on it.
“whoa,big spender!”I said automaticly.where she get those money?
Aiko smile knowingly.”Nani?aahh..those..yeah.i’ll explain it later.”
“ don’t tell me..you..had a date with…”I make a gesture in each side of my head.Aiko just staring at me,and he slap my head.
“ittai!!what?”I ask while rub my head.
“hey,it’s oba-chan’s!mine was two bags.you had those look on me?I can’t believe it.”reply Aiko.
well,I just curious.
“yeah,yeah.i believe.”
We go downstairs and had a dinner.oji-san come home twice a week because of his work,so oba-san cook his favorite meal.Aiko and I smile,and eat as much as we can.no,well..not me.i don’t like veggies.
“how’s your school?your mom phone me yesterday,she asking about you,Dee.”said oji-san while drinking a beer.
“ah,I will call her again tomorrow morning.i just reply my brother’s email.he will read it.”
“ne,oji-san.you will leave to Kyoto tomorrow?”Aiko ask
“hai.just three days,and I have a week day off.we can go on vacation if you like.we have a tourist here.she always go to shibuya,I think she will get sick of it.”said uncle laughing,well,they are laughing.
“but we can’t!it’s already august and we want to see some live.right?”Aiko wink at me.
“oh yeah!!the gazette’s!how can I forget about that?”I tap at my forehead.How can I forget about that?!Can’t believe it.
“oh,you must be very happy right?”said oji-san.
“well,let’s see.my happiness is at number fifteen out of ten.so I guess,yes.”
“hahaha..that’s good.have fun okay!”
I go upstairs and do my assignment,not to long,Aiko enter my room bring something.
“so,let me presume.you don’t have any clothes to be wear at the concert right?because I only see you wear the same shirt when you go to the campus with the shirt when we do our last research,which is a week ago.”
Genius,isn’t she? “and..?”
“and..i will give some shirt that I bought today.you can choose it.”she said with a smile.
I glomp at her,and kiss her cheek.she is very kind,right? “daisuki ga!!”
“okay,okay stop it already.you ruining my hair!”
I look at her with full of grateful eyes.she smile.
“hmm..can I have two?”I bargain.
Oh,this is disappointing.”okay..”
But,everything look so good,it’s hard to choose.”I want this.”I pointing at a long sleeves shirt with a black pattern on it.i like long sleeves,whether in hot or cold days.
“fine,take it.”she said
“arigatou,Aiko-chan.you’re very kind.”
Aiko grin”really?”
Uh,I think this is..”what do you want in return?”I said.
Aiko smile now.see,I know there’s always be a catch!oh well..
“help me with my assignment!”she said.”I have to give it tomorrow,first thing in the morning.please help me,ONEGAI..!!”she beg me to.
I sigh “okay,bring your paper here.i’ll help you.”
“arigatou..”she said.
Well,at least she take me to the gazette’s live.and anyway,it doesn’t even hurt with another assignment right?

oh my,it’s already five in the morning!and I haven’t finished my assignment yet!Aiko’s already finished,and she sleeping safe and sound in her room.
I am so gonna die..

I wake up at 7 in the morning,so unusual.because,well..today is the day!the gazette’s concert!
I change my clothes and go down stairs to help auntie make a breakfast and bentou for oji-san.
Oji-san will leave to Nagoya this morning.and this afternoon Aiko’s mom will come to the house,so when we go to the concert we,auntie will be accompany.i worried auntie will alone at home.
“ohayou,Dee.ready for the concert?”ask oba-chan while cooking.i notice a smell of scramble egg and tea in the air.i
“ohayou,oba-chan.well,sure!I’m so energetic!”I said.
I walk to the sink and wash my hands,and I help oba-san make a breakfast.and then I go to aiko’s room to call her for meal.
“Aikoooo..breakfast!”I call her in front of her door.
“I change my clothes right now.”she reply.
I walk downstairs and sit in the chair.later,Aiko help oba-chan with the dishes and I clean my room.we don’t have lesson today,so we will be meet with our friends at the same café and go to the concert together.
I have a plenty time now,I reply my brother’s email and call my mom.i also do half of my assignment and help oba-chan with the grocery.and I watering the flowers in the yard.
“hey,Tommy just call.she said she will be earlier to the café,you want to go there now?”Aiko ask
“but,your mom is not coming yet.oba-chan will be alone.”
Oba-chan is smiling knowingly “daijoubu.she will come In short time.you just go and don’t forget about the camera.”
“well,okay.i’m sorry I have to leave so early.”
“it’s okay,change your clothes now.Aiko,you too.”she smile.
I go upstairs with Aiko and change my clothes,I also pack my camera,ipod and my handphone,along with wallet and my organizer book.ticket,check.camera,check.
I wear my new shirt and a jeans,I also wear a jersey because it’s so windy today.i get out of my room with a bag.
“what should I wear?a high heel shoes or a flat shoes?”Aiko ask me.
I turn my head on her and found her in a white tank top and skirt.she carry a blue handbag.she wearing a pink coat.Are we want to go to the party?
“where do you want to go?”I ask her.
Aiko lift up her right eyebrow”eh,the gazette’s live?”
“yeah,but…it’s look like you want to go to…club.I mean,what’s up with the mini skirts,and what’s up with the tanktop,and hell.what’s with the heels or the flat?”
“Don’t worry!we will definetly go to the gazette’s concert!”
Hmm,I think there’s a catch. “I suggest you wear a flat shoes.it more comfortable than heels.”see,you will be headbanging.And you can head banging with high heels!
“You’re right.”she said.Aiko go to her room again and return with a pair of blue flat shoes.
“Hey,Ai,you have to stay by my side okay.i don’t want to be separate.”
“eh?why?”she ask
“what if I meet with one of the members?And I can’t talk to them?!you want me to standing like an idiot,talking to them with my bad Japanese?”
“Oh,then you have to talk to Reita then.”
I glare at her.”I want Aoi.”I said clearly.”And kai,and Uruha...”
“ok,ok.Don’t worry.I’ll be with you.”she said “let’s go.”
I tie my left shoelaces and stand up “come on.”
Oba-chan come from the kitchen and look at both of us.”Everything ready?how about the tickets?your wallet?Good.have fun and be safe,okay?”


“So,the plan is to quickly to go there and find the most front place,so we can see their faces.Understand?”Tommy is so fired up.She didn’t realize that the seat was numbered.
“It’s numbered Tommy,you can go claiming other’s seat when it’s not your number.Jeez.”Cred explaining and rolling his eyes.
“Eh,where’s Chisato?”Ask Tommy.”She should here any minute right?”Tommy make a call to her.
“eh?I hear she will pick up some friend.we will be going together.”said Ryu.
“ah,really?”Aiko ask
five minutes later,Chisato come with a girl.Chisato introduce her to us.
“Hello,my name is Oda Riku.But call me Riku,okay?Dozo yoroshiku.”
Thank god,she can speak English.
After that,we quickly catch a shinkanshen and go to the concert.At the front of the live house,We buy some drink and wait for the entrance to be open.
“Hey Dee,let’s go to the bathroom.”Ask Aiko suddenly.”anyone want to come?”she ask.
“ah,I’ll come too.”said Riku.
“we’ll waiting here,okay?”Said Chisato.
We go to the direction of bathroom,but then Aiko suddenly hold my and riku’s hand.
“We’ll not going that way.”she said.And she bring us to the opposite direction from the bathroom.She tell us to walk quickly,and I swear I see briefly a writing in the wall “backstage”.
Wait,we’re going backstage?isn’t it illegal?
“Ai,we’re not supposed to be in here!”I said.”If we get caught,we will not see the concert.”
“ah,don’t worry,Just a moment,okay?”
Aiko calling someone with her phone,and talking fast in japanese.I heard Riku gasping.what happen?
“Look,Ai.I know you’re crazy,but,don’t at a time like this,please?”I beg her.
“no..no,Just wait.”she said.
“Ah,Aiko.you’re on time.you bring your friends too?Nice.”
“This is my brother,Sumiregawa Tahiko.he’s a staff in here.and they allow me to take some of the gazette’s fans in here.”
“We want to make a better video.So I suggest the manager to take some fans to the video.of course,not some random fans.we need someone who can control their emotion if they meet the member.”Aiko’s brother have a funny accent,but that’s not my concern now,meet with the gazette?!how the hell I suppose to do that!
“Well,let’s go.I want to see the stage.”Aiko said
“eh,chotto.what about everyone?they will be worried.”
“ah,I already sent them a message,saying ‘we will go to convenient store first.Dee is buying some medicine for her maag’”
Oh my.Anyway,we walking together and I see the stage,it’s huge!And the staff is preparing everything.The equipment,the lightning,everything.But I don’t see the members.Oh.
The video is documenting everything,I promise I will buy the dvd!But,Aiko and Riku do all the talking,Because they can speak Japanese.I don’t mind at all.i’m amaze with the work of the staff,Even though they tired,They keep doing their job,to make this concert wonderful.I admire and jealous with them.
“So this is where Ruki will come and sing.although,We have a little problem.”said Tahiko.
“problem?”I ask.Well,everything look so fine here.
“yeah,the microphone is.it fell once.I really worry about it.”
“Why just exchange it with the good one?”
“It was the best.tomorrow we will have the good ones.but today we must use this crefully.”
“I see.”
Then we walked to the staff room.The staff look so welcoming to us,and they show us how everything work.And this time the manager come with us.
“Ah,look .they are here.”said the manager.
Oh my god!it’s them..the gazette.They are so cool!I can’t believe I actually see them in person.My eyes is encounter a man with a highlight blonde hair,He’s smoking and wear a black clothes.Impossible.Aoi is here.
“Aiko,pinch me.”
She pinch me for real.In hand.
“aww..that’s hurt!”
“it’s reality.”she reply.
“ladies,the gazette.”said the manager
Impossible,I’m not the person who will going jumping here and there when I meet someone.But still,There’s a butterfly in my stomach.And I feel my heart is burn.
They introduce themselves.And,I swear I see kai smiling at us.okay,heart,calm down a bit,wouldn’t ya?
The member is talking at Aiko and Ruki in Japanese.And,of course I can follow them,I see Aoi is making a joke,and they laugh out loud.I see Riku is talking at uruha,and he smile at her.
“Hey,Dee.you not talk to them.”ask Tahiko.
Great they all staring at me.Now,where’s my Japanese that I trained for 3 months go?
“I..uh,my Japanese is bad.Sorry.”I bow
“she said that her Japanese Is bad.She is a foreigner and still can’t speak very well.”Aiko smile at me.you’re such an angel,Ai.
“Really?we’re so sorry.” Reita is speaking to me.oh my god.His English is good.
“uh,don’t worry.I will make Aiko tell me.”My heart is begin to race again.Reita is talking to me!I just can’t believe it.
“No,we have to consider you too.You’ve been left out,gomen.”Ruki said with his cute voice.And he smile.
“Thank you to consider me.Sorry to make you have to use English.that’s really kind.”Ruki is so nice.
“Actually all of us can speak English well,except Uruha.”said Kai to me.when he smiling I can see his dimple.it’s veryy cutee.
Uruha is smullen but everyone is laughing at him.they are so funny.And there’s not on youtube.Or my laptop screen.They’re real.
“Hey,stop it.You guys make her confuse again with English.”I hear a deep,and familiar voice.It’s Aoi.My heart stop for a moment.He’s here.And he talking to me.Unbelieveable.
“Wanna see us rehearse?”he offer us.And I nod.We follow them to stage.But suddenly a light went off a bit.and then on again.
“I’ll go check it out.”said manager.”Tahiko,go on with the video.”
We at the backstage and I watch them rehearse.We stand at the right side of the stage.Wait?I swear I see a lightning in ruki’s mic.The black out!It causing a shorten electricity.it will explode.I run as fas as I can,And I push Ruki aside and grab the mic,before I can release it ,I see a white light and a big voice.

My head is spinning and my ears are hurt,I can hear many voices,but I can’t open my eyes.What happen?
“What happen?”
“It exploded!”
“Is she allright?”
I can only hear the voices,but I don’t know who.I try to put my hand in my forehead,It really painful.I feel something wet and warm in my hand.I try to open my eyes again.The first time is blinding,but I can see peoples surrounding me.And I can see Aoi in front of me,as well as Kai in my side.
“Are you okay?”ask Ruki,And I realize he’s behind me.
“I..don’t…why..”I can finish my sentence,my head is really hurt.
“Don’t talk!you’re bleeding.”said Reita.
Bleed?I look at my hand that touch my forehead,it’s true.there’s a lot of blood coming from my forehead,And it spill on my trouser.i begin to feel dizzy.I blink my eyes.But it still hurt.
“Make a way!it’s the doctor”I hear the manager speak.And then a middle-aged man is in front of me.
“Move her to a quiet place,please.”
I stand,but suddenly gravity push me down,I can’t even stand on my own feet. “She loss much of blood.”the doctor said.And I being helped by another two staff.We walking to the staff room and they help me sit in the chair.
“It’s okay,Ruki.i handle it from here.you go to the concert,we can make the fans wait.”said the manager to Ruki.
“I’m okay,really.”I smile at him.I don’t want to make them worry.it just a scratch.
Ruki nod and touch my shoulder a bit.And then get out.The manager is sitting in front of me,as well as the doctor.
“I’m really sorry.I let a fan get hurt.”Said the manager.
“Oh,no.it’s okay.it’s my own fault that I grab the mic instead push the mic.I the one who should say sorry,because everything get chaotic and the concert late.”
“Oh.it’s okay.And,I may be bad for saying this,but,I glad you save Ruki.”he said with a smile.
“It’s what I feel too.I’m glad Ruki is fine.”I smile
The doctor is already clean my wound.Now he will stitch it.
“Want to use some painkiller?”He ask me.
I shake my head.Pain killer will make me tipsy,I got an exam tomorrow.The doctor begin to stitch it.it feel sore a bit.But my head is really hurt now.
“Ano~my head is really hurt.”I said to the doctor.
He get a small flashlight from his medical bag,And turn it on in my eyes.Ugh,my eyes is so hurt,so as my head,so I blink it a bit.
“Hmm..you should drink some medicine,I write the recipe to you.”
The doctor put bandages around my head.And he left with the manager.It’s already 9 Pm.so,the concert must be finish.I feel a little sad because I can’t see them on stage.
The staff is returning to the room,and a woman staff give me a hot chocolate.”The doctor say,we should feed you with something sweet.But we only have this.”she said with a funny accent of English.
“Arigatou gozaimasu.”I said.She smile a bit,And leave the room.I grab my cellphone from my bag,and see there’s two messages.From Chisato and Tommy.I’ll text them later.
Ruki entering the room with Kai,both of them look worry.
“Daijoubu?the doctor said you’re here.”Ask Ruki
“Ah,hai.i’m okay.”I said,and I stand up.But my step is so awkward,So I successfully hit the chair.
“Please sit down.you’re still dizzy right?”Kai help me to sit in the chair.So I sit.
“Thank you for worrying me,And I’m sorry to cause you a trouble.”I bow.
Ruki hold my shoulders and smile.”It’s okay.”he said “I want to thank you too,because saved me.”
I smile and bow again.He really nice.Aoi and Aiko enter the room too,and they both relieved that my wounds is okay.
“Your clothes is full of blood.Oba-chan will be worried.”said Aiko.
I look at my shirt,She’s right.my blood is everywhere around the shirt,I don’t want to make auntie worried.Oji-san is not in home.And my coat is have a blood stain too.
“Here.Wear my coat and this hat.”said Aoi.He put his coat in me,And put his hat in my head.”You need to cover the bandage too.”
My Heart pounding again.oh my!calm down.calm down.
“The doctor give me the recipe,I will buy it tomorrow.”said Aiko.
“No,let me.i’m not a baby.i can buy the medicine on my own.”I smullen a bit.just because I got injured,didn’t mean someone is have to take care of me.
“Whatever.Here is the receipt.”she handed me a piece of paper.
“It’s already 10.you girls should be home now.”Said the manager to us.
I nod,and grab my bag,But Aoi hold my hand and take the bag from my hand.”I give you a lift.”He said.
Oh my!it’s too good to be true.”No,you must be tired and…”
He interrupt me with his hand,and grab a car key from manager.
“Aiko?”I asked
“I take her home too.don’t worry.”said the manager.”okay guys,we pospone the after party for now.I take this girl home.Ruki,Kai and Reita,go home and have a good rest.Uruha?”
“Give the other girl lift too.”said a staff
Wow,that’s fast.

We stay silent in the car.Aoi is tell me about the live,but he didn’t talk to much.so do I,well,I’m nervous,for your record.it’s only us in the car.
“we’re here.”he said.Scatter my mind.
“oh,my..Yes..Thank you very much.Sorry to bother you.”I said.but he get off the car and open the door for open,Too sweet.
“Thank you.”I smile a little.”Good night,please have a good rest.”
He suddenly kiss my cheek.and slip my bag to my hand.And he smile,”Good night.Sorry you can’t see us in live.”
I smile,too surprise to draw more act than just smile.”Yes.”
He tighten my coat and go to the car.Leaving me stunning in front of my house,feel so hot and my heart racing.
If I die right now,I don’t wanna.

i smile a lot when i finish this!! :))

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