Friday, June 25, 2010


Yeay~i've been modified my blog..well,just s few things here and there,but i'm really happy.

Feels like an idiot?maybe,

i'm just happy because i post everything that i thought here.
i'm really just an awkward girl in reality by the way..:)

ahhh~i feel so excited about my blog..
gonna fix here and there too,you know..

rarely,i've no time to doing photography like i used to be..the last picture that i took is a picture about my school.
My camera is still on the shelf..i didn't use it again.
i really want to go somewhere to looking for anice picture,but,cause i just an amateur photographer,don't expect much from me.

i really,want to press the shutter again..looking for object.

I'm on a long vacation,for heaven's sake,still i don't have time to doing that..

oh,wait,it because i kept sleep,huh?
but,it because my friends almost active when night,i ended up not sleeping,like today.
this is should stop.

gotta run,ciao!

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